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LA/ Schools E-Circular Monday 15 April 2024

  April Stress Awareness Month  HBC Funding Bulletin – April 24 Early Years transition event Working Together Guidance Do something big       April Stress Awareness Month    For Stress Awareness Month the Health Improvement Team have...

LA/ Schools E-Circular Monday 25 March 2024

  Easter activities in Halton Easter holidays at Halton Libraries Governors Briefing Assessment and Moderation Ofsted Briefing – EYFS School Improvement & Effectiveness Network Invitation to the SEND Priority Improvement Briefing Halton Governors...

LA/ Schools E-Circular Monday 18 March 2024

Easter HAF 2024 New Courses Celebrating World Book Day Funding Bulletin – Mar 24 Start Small; Dream Big Primary Pilot       Easter HAF 2024   Please find below links to the Easter 2024 HAF provision and providers information....