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  • Teachers Pensions Member Presentations
  • MHFA Youth sessions
  • Behaviour Bitesize training
  • Early Career Framework Webinar
  • Year 11 pupil or parent? We want to hear from you!
  • June 2021 Safeguarding Update

  • Schools Funding Bulletin – June 2021




Teachers Pensions Member Presentations


Please find below information from Teachers Pensions regarding presentations they are running for members in September. Please distribute this information to staff and if they would like to attend online they should visit the Teachers Pensions website here




MHFA Youth sessions


We would like to invite you or members of your team to join our new online MHFA Youth sessions. These sessions (equivalent to a 2-day course) will take place in the second half of Summer Term via Teams and will also require some pre-learning before each session using a platform called Enabley accessed via Google Chrome.

There are spaces for up to 16 participants on this course.

The dates of the sessions are: attached 

There will be approx. 1hr of pre-learning to be undertaken before each session and participants must engage in all sessions and activities in order to pass the course and become a qualified MHFAider.

In order for resources to be delivered to the participants, we must request the participant’s home address. This will be sent to MHFA but will not be retained by HBSS after this course. Certificates are now sent out via email. In order for the materials to be posted, we require all application forms to be submitted no later than 12 June 2021.

The published cost of this course is £300 (information here ) At Halton Borough Council, in recognition of the importance of having suitably trained staff working with our children, we subsidise this training for our schools. Therefore, the cost for this training will be £40 to cover the cost of the materials which are posted directly to participants.

Please email including the contact details form (attached) to reserve a place. Because of the need to deliver resources directly to participants, this cost will be non-refundable once resources are ordered, even if the participant is unable to attend.






Behaviour Bitesize training


Dear all,

Please find attached the Behaviour Bitesize training for you to use with your staff after the break. It is designed to be delivered as a 10-minute session during a briefing or emailed out to staff as something for them to consider as part of their department meetings.

If this is something that is of interest to you, it can adapted to a full training session for staff – please contact to arrange.






Early Career Framework Webinar


FAO All Headteachers.

The Department for Education is holding Early Career Framework (ECF) explainer webinars for schools to support understanding of the ECF reforms and changes to statutory induction requirements. These webinars will cover all aspects of the new reforms, including the role of appropriate bodies in supporting national roll-out. For anyone who missed the webinar last week, the Department is holding the second and final webinar on the 17th of June. The session can be booked via Eventbrite here. Please cascade this link to your school leaders.





Year 11 pupil or parent? We want to hear from you!


Are you a student currently in Year 11 or a parent of a young person leaving secondary school? We want to hear from you and find out more about what careers provision you need from us.

Who are we?

We are Halton Borough Council’s 14-19 team and we help young people find education, work, training or apprenticeships. If you need advice or change your mind about what’s next after you have left school we have a team of Young People Case Workers who are ready to help.

Through our team, you can access Careers Advisers and Coaches who will help you understand all your options if you haven’t started 6th form or college, left a course early, left a job or apprenticeship, just don’t know what you want to do or are feeling anxious and unable to take up an offer of education or employment.

We already have a Facebook page and we post lots on there about local jobs, apprenticeships and courses as well as services to help people. Please have a look at and give us a like to see opportunities for young people in Halton in your newsfeed

Halton Borough Council’s Executive Board Member for Families, Cllr Tom McInerney, said: “Some of you might find that in the first couple of years after leaving school your plans change, or you simply change your mind about what you want to do, and want advice. We can offer help and guidance.”

We may need to be in touch with each other in the future and we are interested in knowing what works best for you, complete the survey below to give us your feedback, click ‘Have Your Say’ from the below website.




Safeguarding update


Please see attached June 2021 Safeguarding Update





Schools Funding Bulletin – June 2021


Hi, Please find link below to the latest funding update. The funding opportunities with the more imminent deadline are at the top of the bulletin.

If you have a project or an idea that you require advice and funding assistance with, please fill out an Enquiry Form.

Schools Bulletin – June 2021

Funding Bulletins Home Page

please find attached funding opportunity which might be of interest.