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  • Early Career Teachers Training event

  • Safeguarding Update

  • Funding Alerts

  • Parental Conflict Resources

  • Men’s Health Week 13-19 June



Early Career Teachers Training event

A reminder to Early Career Teachers that the first training event for the new half term, provided by Halton and Warrington Appropriate Bodies is as follows;

20/06/22 9.30AM – 12.30PM Hearing & Visual Impairment
Venue: Halton Stadium, Lower House Lane, Widnes, WA8 7DZ
Julie Metcalf – Lead Teacher of the Deaf and teacher for Visual Impairment
Lisa Turner – Specialist Teacher of the Deaf
All Warrington & HaltonECT’s, NQT’s and RQT’sCharge to All: £60 Overview of Visual Impairment training and Supporting Deaf Learners in the Classroom – more details are on Warrington Training Hub

Booking a place is via 

Safeguarding Update

Welcome back for the final half term! 

Firstly, a quick couple of headlines to begin this month’s update:

  • The new 4 levels ‘continuum of need’ has now been launched across Halton.  If you missed the launch events towards the end of June, there is a final session explaining the changes on Friday 10th June at 12pm until 1pm. Email to book a space.
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 has been released ahead of it becoming statutory on 1st I summarise the changes below.
  • The final DSL workshop of the year takes place on 7th July at 1pm via Teams. Email to book a space.


Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022

Firstly, please be aware that the document was re-released last week as there were a couple of errors / typos…the content itself is still the same.–2

In a nutshell, there aren’t any huge changes this year.  Many of the changes are minor tweaks, although the expansion of part 5 which now incorporates the previous non-statutory guidance Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment in Schools and Colleges is the biggest difference.  The thinking behind this is gives the guidance more kudos in light of many schools and colleges being named on the Everyone’s Invited website which triggered the Ofsted’s review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges last year.

(There are some useful case studies in part 5 which will be useful for staff training/discussion at the start of the academic year.)

Other key changes include

  • A greater focus on preventative education – with a new paragraph about the importance of delivering an effective safeguarding curriculum.
  • A new section in Part 2 (management of safeguarding) on the experience of LGBTQ+ children
  • Peer on Peer abuse has changed to ‘child on child abuse’ to emphasise the fact that abuse can take place between children of different ages.
  • There is a reminder to all staff in KCSiE 2022 that children may not feel ready or may not know how to tell someone they are being abused/neglected. They also might not be able to identify their own experiences are harmful.
  • As predicted, there is now a statutory requirement for all governors and trustees to receive safeguarding training at point of induction, which is regularly updated.  There is also a greater emphasis on Governors knowing and fulfilling their strategic and legislative responsibilities and there is now an expectation that Governors ensure that online safety is a central theme in the whole setting approach to safeguarding.
  • The role of the DSL is now fully located in Annex C to provide clarity and reinforce the responsibility of the role.
  • The guidance also states that sole proprietors cannot be the DSL in their setting.
  • The role of the DSL also now includes reference to knowing the statutory guidance PACE Code C 2019 – this is the role of an Appropriate Adult following the Child Q case (this will form part of the DSL workshop in July)
  • Finally, relating to safer recruitment, the guidance says that schools and colleges should consider carrying out an online search for shortlisted candidates.


Your views are needed! – Pan-Cheshire approach to exploitation

 Halton, Cheshire East, Cheshire West, and Warrington Safeguarding Adults Boards, Safeguarding Children’s Partnership’s and the four area Community Safety Partnerships have commissioned Davis and Associates to support the development of a robust Pan-Cheshire approach to exploitation of children and adults.

A key part of this work is for them to understand the current response, and hear from those working in the frontline from across all organisations.

This survey seeks your anonymous views as a professional. We want the views of all ‘people facing’ professionals whether you work in a role where exploitation isn’t your primary job such as in schools, housing or in a GP surgery, as well as professionals who work directly with perpetrators and victims of exploitation, such as social workers and probation. The questions will focus on how you/your organisation responds, and what you think works well, needs development or any gaps.




Online Safety

Unsure about Online Safety?  Worried you can’t keep up with what children and young people do online? …Don‘t worry!  A few handy updates and resources to help in this ever changing world…


Online Safety Live Events

The very popular, FREE (and useful!) Online Safety Live workshops return this term.  Hosted by SWGfL, they are a fantastic opportunity to get up to speed on the developments in online safety and are suitable for Headteachers, DSLs and anyone else working in a safeguarding role across all age ranges.  Book here:


Revenge Porn Helpline





The report into cases of revenge porn in 2021 found that the number of incidents increased by 40% between 2020 and 2021, up to 4406.  A summary of the report can be found here:

The Helpline can be found here:


New resources launched to help support young people with SEND to Thrive Online

Designed to help educators, parents and carers, to support young people aged 11 and over with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), these free, adaptable resources look at the important topics of healthy relationships, digital wellbeing and online pornography.


The Dark Web Explained

The Dark Web Explained, created by the National Crime Agency in collaboration with the Children’s Society and the Marie Collins Foundation, contains a short informational film and accompanying factsheets for professionals, parents and carers.

This resource has been developed in response to recommendations from professionals and from research which found that many professionals and parents and carers do not understand the Dark Web and feel unequipped to talk to a young person about it should the need arise.

It aims to support professionals, parents and carers to understand the Dark Web, young people’s use of it and how to discuss issues around it with young people who are using it.

The resource features a short film which provides key information on:

  • what the Dark Web is;
  • why young people might want to go on it;
  • what to do if a young person has accessed it

To supplement the film, there are two factsheets, one for parents and carers and the other for professionals, to provide further information and guidance.

How should it be used?

The Dark Web Explained resource has been created to help equip professionals, parents and carers with the tools to be able to have effective conversations with young people should an issue arise. It is not appropriate to share with children and young people.

But this isn’t a resource to be used as a preventative measure; they do not want to encourage conversations with young people around the Dark Web unless it is known that the young person has been on the Dark Web or has an interest in accessing it.

>Watch the video


Reporting incidents of discriminatory behaviour

In collaboration with Mark Higginbottom, we have developed a new reporting tool for incidents of discriminatory behaviour.  This short form can be completed whenever there is an incident of a child being victimised or prejudiced due to a protected characteristic.  This replaces any previous forms or reports for declaring a racist incident which you may still have or use.  To be clear, this is not statutory.  Discriminatory incidents must be reported to governors and school must considered their actions and response to individual incidents as well as identifying and responding to any patterns or trends in behaviours.   However, by gathering this data as an authority, it will allow us to identify wider issues; which can feed into training, curriculum support and the work of the safeguarding partnership, for example.


Autumn Term DSL Cluster Groups

Thank you to everyone who came along to the first DSL cluster groups last month. 

The dates for the cluster meetings for the autumn term are:

Secondary & Post 16 – 4th October 2022 @ 13:30 – Venue: The Grange Academy

Primary & Maintained Nurseries – Widnes – 12th October 2022 @ 10:00 – 11:30 – Venue: Brookfield’s School

Primary & Maintained Nurseries – Runcorn – 12th October 2022 @ 13:30 – 15:00 –– Venue: St Berteline’s School

These are different to the DSL workshops (which provide CPD and formal updates for everyone).  Instead, the clusters are more informal; providing opportunity for discussion on key issues, areas of support and a chance to share good practice…concluding with time to discuss specific cases / group supervision.  Booking will open in the new term…for now, please save the relevant date!


Halton’s Levels of Need Framework has changed….

Halton has moved to using a ‘4 level’ continuum of need rather than the current ‘3 level’ system.  This will have a number of benefits and provide greater clarity on the difference between Child in Need (Level 3) and Child Protection (Level 4). 

Education have had an opportunity to feedback about the new thresholds through the education sub group, with the group feeling the new continuum will be a very positive change.

The framework and other related materials can be found here;





Prevent Training

Don’t forget, the Home Office have created three training packages on Prevent.  The first is suitable for all staff, volunteers and governors.  The other two are aimed at DSLs and SLT.

Whole Staff:




Do you want to know more about the Parenting offer in Halton?

Come along to one of our 2 hour briefings where you will learn more about the Parenting offer that is available across the Borough – You will also have a fantastic opportunity to hear about the support available from:

  • Disabled Childrens Service
  • Health Improvement Team
  • Children’s Centres
  • Drug and Alcohol Youth Service
  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Venus Charity

Where: DCBL Stadium, Widnes

When: Friday 17th June

Choose a time and email to confirm your place:

  • 09:30-11:30
  • 12:00-14:00
  • 14:30-16:30


Warm regards,
Sam Edwards
Parenting Coordinator


Partnership Training

Book via the Portal or email

All DSL’s and Deputy DSL’s must refresh their ‘Working Together’ Level 3 training once every 2 years (with regular updates during this time, such as the DSL workshops).

‘Working Together’ training is delivered by the safeguarding partnership & spaces can be reserved via the new Safeguarding Partnership Training Portal.

All partnership training is expected to be delivered via Teams and will presented by the most relevant agency.

  • Working Together Full Course (For new DSLs)  (9:30 -16:30)

26th July 2022

20th September 2022

16th November 2022

17th January 2023

23rd March 2023


  • Working Together Refresher (To be repeated every 2 years)  (9:30 – 15:00)

23rd June 2022

19th August 2022

11th October 2022

14th December 2022

23rd February 2023


  • LADO Training (9:30 – 12:00)

14th June 2022

14th September 2022

1st December 2022

3rd March 2023


  • Sexual Violence Awareness (9:30 – 12:00)

7th September 2022

13th December 2022

1st March 2023


  • ICON Lunchtime Briefing (12:15 – 13:00)

16th June 2022

9th September 2022

19th January 2023


  • Domestic Abuse (9:30 – 12:30)

20th July 2022

6th November 2022

6th February 2023


  • Mental Disorder and Parental Capacity (9:30 – 13:00)

6th December 2022


  • Bruising in non-mobile children (12:00 – 13:00)

6th July 2022

9th November 2022


  • FII (12pm-1pm)

3rd August 2022

5th October 2022


As all the courses above are delivered as a multi-agency offer, the spaces can be booked via the partnerships training portal:

Or, if you can’t access the portal, please email


Safeguarding in Education Training

All the courses below are offered exclusively for education settings.  Spaces on any of the courses below can be reserved by emailing

Unless stated otherwise, all advertised courses will be delivered via Teams.  (In the autumn term, courses will move to a blend of face to face and remote delivery to try to cater to all preferences)

  • DSL Workshop for ALL DSL’s.  These are the main DSL updates and workshops.  It is best practice for all DSLs & DDSLs to try and attend these meetings each term.  (The agenda will be sent out prior to the meeting)

               Thursday 7th July 2022 @ 1pm – 4pm


  • Safer Recruitment for Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Business Managers and Governors

30th June @ 9am – 4:30pm (Face to Face at The Stadium – 2 spaces remaining!)

27th September @ 9am – 4:30pm


  • Safer Recruitment Refresher for Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Business Managers and Governors. (SR is valid for a maximum of 5 years) (A certificate from the full course must be seen before a place can be reserved on this course)

29th September 2022 – 9:30am – 12:30pm


  • New to the role of DSL (Or infrequent user)  This essential course is in addition to ‘Working Together L3 Safeguarding Training’ (which is delivered by the safeguarding partnership) and focusses on the role of DSL within a school setting – including managing referrals, specific areas of safeguarding and recording & reporting concerns.

11th July 2022 – 9:30 – 4pm (Venue TBC)


  • Designated Governor for Safeguarding Training.  This course is aimed at any governor who has a specific safeguarding responsibility as part of their role.  It will provide them with a clear understanding of suitable processes and procedures to enable them to carry out their duties effectively.

20th October 2022 – 9:30 – 4pm (Venue TBC – Face to face)


  • Governor Safeguarding Training It is a statutory requirement that all governors should receive safeguarding training in line with all members of staff and volunteers who “should receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training (including online safety).”  Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 states that the training should be regularly updated, at least annually, to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively.This can be delivered using the whole school training materials.  However, if preferred, Governors can attend this course which looks at safeguarding in schools from a Governor perspective.  (They will still need to ensure that they understand the school’s specific processes and procedures)

27th June 2022 – 6pm – 9pm

19th September 2022 – 9:30am – 12:30pm


  • Single Central Record (For Headteachers, Business Managers and anyone responsible for the SCR and personnel files)

This briefing will go through each column expected on the single central record, pre-employment checks and the management of personnel files.   There will also be an extended Q&A with an opportunity to ask questions.

               10th November 2022 @ 9:30 – 11:30


Places on all courses can be reserved by emailing


Funding alerts

UKG Youth Investment Fund (YIF) Pilot

• Grant – The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is making funding available for the construction of up to four pilot youth facilities in advance of the launch of Phase 2 of the Youth Investment Fund (YIF)
• Date(s) – Charities, local authorities, schools, uniformed organisations, sports clubs, and other not-for-profit organisations have until 11:59pm on Sunday 3 July 2022 to submit their applications
• Link –

The funding will support four organisations delivering youth work in ‘left behind’ areas of England to pilot a youth facility and the delivery process associated with their construction. It will provide the DCMS with feedback and learning from the build process that can inform the design, facility requirements and construction methods of future YIF-funded facilities. The Phase 2 pilot fund will test facilities designed to meet the needs of smaller youth organisations. Each of the 4 sites should be situated in one of YIF’s eligible investment locations (all Halton wards are included); able to demonstrate demand for youth services; available immediately to accommodate a building project (subject to planning permission); and applicants must own the site or have legal rights to develop on the site.

Henry Smith Charity Holiday Grants for Disabled or Disadvantaged Children (aged 13 or under) (30 June)

Priority will be given to applications coming from the 20% most deprived areas in the UK. The grants can cover up to two-thirds of the cost of a holiday or trip lasting one to seven days.

Little Lives UK Children’s Community Support Programme (30 June)

The funding is being made available through the Little Lives UK Children’s Community Support Programme. There is no minimum grant that groups can apply for, and Little Lives UK will additionally support the work of successful applicants through their social media channels and on our website.

Please also note that the forthcoming training course (as advertised in the June Bulletin) ‘Developing A Fundraising Strategy’ scheduled for Monday 20 June (10-12) at Upton Community Centre has regrettably been CANCELLED. Apologies for any inconvenience. Further alternative dates will be published in due course.





Parental Conflict Resources


*New Parental Conflict Resource for Halton*

Our new parental conflict resource – has launched in Halton. It is a free online resource that gives parents and carers some support with their relationship.

There are videos, mindfulness sessions and downloadable cards to help with some really common things like struggling to communicate well with your partner, raising kids together, and parenting after break-up. Please note that these tools have not been developed for parents experiencing domestic abuse.

No relationship is perfect, so please let parents know about the resources. It’s mobile-friendly and easy to use, so parents can use it on their own. Parents don’t need a professional to refer them, but just need to find out about it.

The website for parents to access this resource is:

See attached  Relationkit poster




Men’s Health Week 13-19 June


Men’s Health Week, runs 13-19 June and we are encouraging men, to give themselves an MOT

The Halton Health Improvement team has put together a toolkit for partners, local organisations and workplaces who want to get involved with Men’s Health Week.

As well as resources from the Men’s Health Forum who lead on the annual campaign, we have included some specific local messages and resources you can share with your followers, staff and members of the public.

Click the following link to access the tool kit

Men’s Health Week toolkit