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  • Mediate

  • Evaluation of THRIVE

  • Spring Term Prospectus

  • Fostering – Refer a Friend Scheme




Applies to-All Schools

Please see  attached a one day workshop  run by the Educational Psychology Service which looks at how you can ‘mediate’ or scaffold children’s learning experiences to create more independent and successful leaners.

Evaluation of THRIVE

Fill in the survey>>

Applies to-All Schools

Dear Colleague

As you may be aware, the THRIVE model for delivering improved outcomes in mental health for children and young people has been recently introduced across Warrington and Halton.

Warrington Borough Council’s public health knowledge & intelligence team are conducting an evaluation of THRIVE which, over the first two years of the project, will seek the views and experiences of those both delivering and receiving support through the model. At this early stage of implementation we are keen to gather the views of staff from health, social care, youth services, education and other agencies whose work with children and young people may involve providing or accessing support with emotional or mental health issues.

We would be very grateful for your support in completing an online survey at:   The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete and although job role and name of institution is requested, you cannot be identified from your survey and responses will be kept confidential by the Public Health Knowledge & Intelligence Team. We would be grateful if you could complete the survey by Friday 7th December 2018.

Your participation in this evaluation is sincerely appreciated and if you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Frances Mann
Public Health Qualitative Researcher
Warrington Public Health Knowledge & Intelligence Team
Family & Wellbeing Directorate
Warrington Borough Council
New Town House, Buttermarket Street, Warrington, WA1 2NH
Tel: external: 01925 443067


Spring Term Prospectus

Applies to-All Schools

Please click on link to view our latest Adult Learning Prospectus.


Fostering – Refer a Friend Scheme

Applies to-All Schools

Click here to view the information document

Currently, Halton Borough Council supports 80 incredible fostering families, looking after approximately 100 of our most vulnerable children and young people.  However, there are still many more Children in Care who are hoping for the opportunity to continue to live in Halton with a local family.

Foster carers come from a diverse range of backgrounds and there are no stereotypes as to who might be considered suitable to foster. We are looking for people who can provide a positive home environment and who want to do something very special to contribute to society by providing a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity which could change the life of a child.

We’ve launched a staff wide scheme to ‘Refer a Friend’ with the potential for you to earn £500 for each new foster family we recruit. All employees across the council and schools are eligible to nominate a person or people who they feel might make a great foster carer.

For each household that you nominate and who subsequently takes part in an initial visit, you will receive an automatic payment of £50. For those who progress to becoming an approved Fostering Household, you will receive a further payment of £450.

The qualifying criteria for the initial visit are as follows:

The nominated household has at least one spare bedroom

The nominated household is either within HBC boundary or within a 10 mile radius of HBC boundary

The nominated household has their own place of residence, whether that be council owned, housing association owned, privately owned or rented

The adults within the household are over 21 years of age

The nominated household have agreed to having a home visit from a member of our Fostering Team to find out more about what Fostering entails

It goes without saying that our highest priority is to provide high quality care placements in safe environments. Therefore, we operate a rigorous assessment process through which potential applicants will receive an exceptional level of support and guidance.

When you have people ready to nominate as an enquiry then please email their details to

If in the meantime you have any questions, please call 0151 511 7878 or visit for more information