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  • Early Years Conference at Halton Stadium
  • supported Internship employer engagement event
  • e-mail address for iCART referrals
  • School term and holiday dates


Early Years Conference at Halton Stadium

Applies to – All schools

Early Years Conference laying the foundations for reading Friday 26 April 2019

If you would like more information please click here


Supported Internship Employer Engagement Event


Applies to – All schools


Halton Borough Council are working closely with the chamber of commerce, Halton Employment Partnership and the Department for Work and Pensions to identify employers to offer supported internships.

Halton Chamber of Commerce is hosting a supported Internship employer engagement event on May 7th at the Heath Business Park (10.00am – 11.00am).  Complete with 2 key note speakers, Mark Pickles from National Grid and Helen Roberts from Holiday Inn, the aim of this event is to explain what supported internship programmes are all about, as well as hearing from current and future supported interns from Halton.

In short, a supported internship is a study programme that usually takes place over one academic year. They are put together to give each student exactly the training, support and work skills they need to help them get a job. Most of the learning is done in the workplace.

Rachel Owen, Chief Executive Halton Chamber of Commerce: “Supported internships are a great way for local people businesses to find valuable skills and lower staff turnover. This programme acts like an extended working interview helping organisations to develop a workforce that reflects society, as well as its customer base. With on-going support and mentoring opportunities for staff, this programme gives organisations the best possible chance of getting the right person.”

 Halton Borough Council is committed to supporting and enabling more young people into work and will be providing supported internship placements from September 2019. If you are a recruiting manager and would like to find out more about supported internships Here’s a link to the website with all the details. Please book onto the event by clicking the ‘add to basket’ at the bottom of the page.




e-mail address for iCART referrals


Applies to – All schools


Dear partners,


Please note that the e-mail address for the submission of iCART referrals has changed to  Please use the latest version of the form which, can be accessed from:

School term and holiday dates



Applies to – All schools


Applies to all community and voluntary controlled schools

 Community and voluntary controlled schools are reminded that the Local Authority as the residual employer is responsible for setting and determining school term dates, and when dates are determined community and voluntary controlled schools must adhere to those dates.  Head Teachers in agreement with the Governing Board can determine their own 5 INSET days and must publish all term, holiday, and INSET dates on the school’s website.  For the 2019 and subsequent academic years, agreement has been reached with neighbouring local authorities to set similar term dates.  A link to the determined dates is here: Term Dates and all community and voluntary controlled schools must adhere to those dates.