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  • New Junior Reading Group

  • Skills 4 Change

  • Mental Health festival

  • Model Information Security Policy and Guidance

  • Outstanding Governance Awards 2018

  • Early Years


New Junior Reading Group

Applies to – All Schools
Status – Information

New Junior Reading Group for 7-11 year olds

Halton Libraries have started two weekly junior reading groups it would be great if you could promote them to your pupils.

see link for details:


Skills 4 Change

Applies to – All Schools
Status – Information

The preventative Amy Winehouse Foundation Resilience Programme has been delivered over the past 4 and a half years and is a lottery funded programme until March 2019.

We have been working in schools across Halton, Liverpool, Sefton, Cheshire East and west as well as both Warrington and St Helens. We have worked with over 20,000 young people around issues which they face on a daily basis including low self esteem, risk taking behaviour, peer pressure situations, sending inappropriate images, drugs and alcohol misuse, legal high awareness, criminal activity etc.

There are 5 main elements of the programme including;

  • Parents event
  • Staff training
  • Life story share assemblies with volunteers who are in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction
  • Workshops focussing on self esteem, peer pressure and risk taking behaviour; and
  • Skills 4 Change, a 6 week programme for young people who need further support

Some of the findings from the national programme evaluated by professors from Harvard University include;

  • 95% of pupils said they were now well informed, and that they felt supported seeking confidential help in the event of any concerned about substance use, peer pressure or bullying.
  • 79% of pupils said they would be more likely to avoid risky behaviours relating to substance misuse.
  • 83% of pupils said they would seek out support for alcohol or drug issues.
  • 86% of Young People accessing Addaction’s Skills 4 Change programme reported they felt more able to cope better in school and 74% felt able to cope better at home because of what they had learned through the programme after 6 months. These are similar to the results found immediately after student’s participation in Skills 4 Change, suggesting that these effects last over time.

We are now taking bookings for academic year September 2018-March 2019. If your school would be interested in having this programme delivered, please contact either me via email or other members of the team;

Emma Moran – Resilience Worker –

Katie Etheridge – Volunteer Coordinator –

Paula Walker – Resilience Worker –  Or contact via the office phone number 01928240406


Mental Health festival

Applies to – All Schools
Status – Information

It’s all happening in Halton during our first Mental Health Festival! There are loads of events, activities and support available throughout the festival and beyond, aimed at reducing stigma, helping you improve your wellbeing and raising awareness of mental health services in Halton. Schools and colleges are able to get involved with FREE downloadable resources and there’s even a FREE reading with owls session to be won. The programme can be accessed via the web link

Model Information Security Policy and Guidance

Applies to – All Schools
Status – Information

Dear Headteacher

School Model Information Security Policy and Guidance

Click here to view Security Policy

Click here to view Security Guidance

I have recently been asked  by a number of Headteacher’s to provide updated guidance on information security and an updated ICT Information Security Policy template that meets the new GDPR requirements. Please refer to the attached

I would advise schools to take the policy to the school’s next governing body meeting for adoption.


Outstanding Governance Awards 2018

Applies to – All Schools
Status – Information

NGA recently launched their Outstanding Governance Awards 2019. These are the only national education awards that recognise the contribution of governors and trustees, and the clerks that support them. Governing boards and clerks make a vast and valuable contribution to the education of young people, and these biennial awards celebrate their role by honouring and sharing examples of best governance practice.

By entering, or being entered for, an award governing boards and their clerks can gain deserved recognition through a rigorous judging process and lead the way as an exemplar of good school governance. The categories of the awards are:

  • Outstanding governing board in a single school
  • Outstanding governing board in a group of schools (multi academy trust or federation)
  •        Outstanding vision and strategy
  • Outstanding clerk to a governing board

Governing boards and clerks are able to nominate themselves for an award or, if you know a governing board or clerk that deserves recognition for their outstanding practice, you can also nominate them yourself. Any state-funded school in England is eligible to enter the awards. This includes all phases and types of school. Entries can be submitted until 23.59 on 3 December 2018 using the applications forms on the NGA website.

Early Years

Applies to – All Schools
Status – Information

Early Years Launch – 26th September, from 4.00 – 5.30 pm, Stadium

The purpose of the meeting is to provide an introduction to who is who in the new Early Years Team.

 Early Years Cluster Groups – Launch’ 10th October, from 3.30 – 5.30pm, Stadium 

 The purpose of the launch is to provide an introduction to the ‘new look’ Ready For Reception/GLD cluster groups.  Schools and Early years settings will be clustered into locality groups to provide opportunities to carry out joint moderation activities and networking.

Places for the above need to be booked with Joanne Moss on