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  • Teachers Conference
  • Halton Holiday Activity Fund (HAF)
  • Thrive Approach Update
  • Ofsted Briefing – EYFS
  • NAFN Intelligence Alert 


Teachers Conference

Catalyst is delighted to be hosting this half day teachers conference on Tuesday 1st October 2024.

Please see attached for more information.


Halton Holiday Activity Fund (HAF)
Summer 2024

Halton Borough Council is delighted to announce that it has secured additional Government Funding from the Department of Education to enable local providers to offer FREE activities during the ​​​holiday period to school aged children from Reception to Year 11, who receive benefits-related to free school meals. There are also a number of places available to other vulnerable groups of children and young people, such as SEND, Young Carers, NEET.​

Can you please promote the free! activities and food, to the appropriate children, young people and their families/carers.​

A list of providers and details is given below, if you would like to register a child or young person on to the activities and please contact the provider direct to secure a place/places.


Thrive Approach Update

The first wave of training is underway! Jennie would like to thank you for all your emails, she is working her way through them making sure she has captured everyone’s requests so far. There is still time to book on the next wave, discuss a bespoke model for your setting or plan in training for Autumn and Spring. Please contact her as soon as possible to ensure you have access to this FREE OFFER.


Ofsted Briefing – EYFS

15th July 2024


@ DBCL Stadium

School Improvement Halton have invited Tim Vaughan HMI to talk about Ofsted and EYFS

During the briefing Tim will look at all stakeholder responsibilities and how this forms judgements around EYFS during inspections.

Tim Vaughan, HMI, maintained schools and academies

Tim holds qualified teacher status and previously worked in leadership roles in maintained nursery schools, primary schools and children’s centres. He held a senior role for a local authority and worked as an adviser for the Department for Education. He has extensive experience of inspection, investigation and survey work across nursery, infant and primary schools, children’s centres, teacher training and early years. Tim contributes to the training of inspectors. Tim holds a BEd (Hons) and a Master’s in Early Childhood Education with Care. He is qualified at level 7 in investigative practice. Tim qualified as a headteacher and is trained in leadership development. He has advised nationally on this topic and has taught about leadership at postgraduate level.

Further information please contact

To Book:


NAFN Intelligence Alert 

Please download this alert and follow the handling instructions.

To view all intelligence alerts, please log in to your NAFN account and visit the Help

Alerts provide information about fraud, risks and trends which may affect members; your contributions are vital – please email them to Where appropriate please include handling restrictions.

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