New Psychological First Aid training
The Halton SACRE Annual Report 2019 – 2020
Online resources from RE Today
Muslim Learner Services (virtual) Teaching & Learning offer
Schools Forum Minutes
Funding Bulletins
New Psychological First Aid training
Applies to – All
New Psychological First Aid training for supporting children and young people affected by emergencies and crisis situations including the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today, PHE launched a new psychological first aid (PFA) online training course to help support children and young people that have been affected by emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is available for all frontline workers such as teachers, health and social workers, charity and community volunteers and anyone who cares for or is regularly in contact with children and young people aged up to 25, including parents and caregivers.
Those completing the training will be equipped to better identify those children that are in distress and provide support to help them feel safe, connected and able to take steps to help themselves during the pandemic or other crisis situations.
The course is free, takes up to three hours to complete (that the learner can complete at their own pace) and no previous qualifications are required. PFA is a globally recognised training programme for emergency situations and PHE has developed this new course with input and advice from a range of experts, government and charitable organisations via an advisory group which includes NHS England, the Department for Education, British Red Cross and in partnership with FutureLearn.
Kate Bazley
Mental Health and Wellbeing lead
Halton Health Improvement Team
Halton Borough Council
Runcorn Town Hall,
Heath Road,
Runcorn, WA7 5TD
Tel: 0300 029 0029 |Fax 0151 511 6364|
Email: HIT@halton.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter @HaltonBC
The Halton SACRE Annual Report 2019 – 2020
Applies to – Headteachers, RE leaders and teachers of RE
- Click here to view the report.
Mark Higginbottom. BSC (Joint Hons); PGCE; FRGS.
Schools and Settings Improvement Officer
Halton LA NQT Coordinator
LA Officer to Halton SACRE
Education, Inclusion and Provision Department
2nd Floor, South Wing
Rutland House
Halton Lea
Tel 0151 511 7309
Mobile 07747485474
Fax number: 0151 511 7508
Online resources from RE Today
Applies to – All leaders of RE and teachers of RE
- Picturing Islam, Picturing Muslims, Online resources from RE Today, click here to view the resources.
Mark Higginbottom. BSC (Joint Hons); PGCE; FRGS.
Schools and Settings Improvement Officer
Halton LA NQT Coordinator
LA Officer to Halton SACRE
Education, Inclusion and Provision Department
2nd Floor, South Wing
Rutland House
Halton Lea
Tel 0151 511 7309
Mobile 07747485474
Fax number: 0151 511 7508
Muslim Learner Services (virtual) Teaching & Learning offer
Applies to – All Primary RE coordinators and primary teachers
Imran Kotwal from Muslim Learner Services, who has worked with many schools and teachers in Halton is running his 5 Pillars of Islam course for Primary Schools in March.
Imran Kotwal from Muslim Learner Services is offering a (virtual) Teaching & Learning about the 5 Pillars of Islam CPD course for Primary RE Teachers. It’s An excellent opportunity to develop Islam subject knowledge and teach Islam with confidence.
For more information about the course content, dates, times, fee and to book a place, please click here.
Mark Higginbottom. BSC (Joint Hons); PGCE; FRGS.
Schools and Settings Improvement Officer
Halton LA NQT Coordinator
LA Officer to Halton SACRE
Education, Inclusion and Provision Department
2nd Floor, South Wing
Rutland House
Halton Lea
Tel 0151 511 7309
Mobile 07747485474
Fax number: 0151 511 7508
Schools Forum Minutes
Applies to – All
- Click here to view the latest Schools Forum Minutes.
Ann Jones – Democratic Services | Enterprise, Community & Resources | Halton Borough Council | 7th Floor Municipal Building | Kingsway | Widnes | Cheshire | WA8 7QF
Tel: 0151 511 8276 – Ext 168276 | E-mail: ann.jones@halton.gov.uk | website: www.halton.gov.uk
Funding Bulletins
Applies to – All
The latest funding bulletins are available;
Jonathan Patten
Funding Support Officer
Economy, Enterprise & Property
Halton Borough Council
0151 511 7214/Internal: (16)7214