New COVID-19 Resources, Halton Local Offer
Training events
CYP Self Harm Resources
ELSA training
School Funding
EAL Training Offer
Halton Youth Cabinet- MYP elections
New COVID-19 Resources, Halton Local Offer
Dear Colleagues,
Local authorities now have a Local Offer Community of Practice (hosted by the Council for Disabled Children). This is a national online forum with 100+ members responsible for managing each LA Local Offer website.
New user-friendly and accessible resources were recently shared via the Forum, which explain things like support bubbles, who gets the vaccine first, getting help from a food bank, how to get a test, why wear PPE etc.
The Easy Read posters can also be listened to using the ‘read aloud’ facility.
Parents and staff may find these helpful when explaining these things to children.
You may also wish to share these with families via social media/WhatsApp groups etc.
These can be found on the Halton Local Offer, COVID-19 page.
The direct links to these new resources are below:
- Keep Safe UK Coronavirus Easy Read Posters, also in audio versions on lots of topics e.g. Bubbles, Vaccine, Lockdown
- Contact for families with disabled children Covid-19 vaccination: your questions answered
Many thanks,
Tracy Ryan, CYP Policy Offer/Halton Local Offer
Training events
Details of the 1st Network Meeting for Deputy & Assistant Head Teachers which may be of interest to your deputy/assistant head.
This is a great opportunity for your senior leader to establish, or perhaps refresh or maintain working relationships with fellow professionals and colleagues.
Why is this Network Meeting suitable for Deputy & Assistant Head teachers?
- know, understand, and act within the statutory frameworks which set out your professional duties and responsibilities?
- take responsibility for your own continued professional development?
please see attached
Thursday 21 January 2021
4:00 – 5:00 pm
VENUE: Virtual Meeting (Spring Term)
The network meetings will take place half termly
Details of the spring term training opportunity for Deputy & Assistant Head Teachers which may be of interest to your deputy/assistant head.
This is a great opportunity for your senior leader/s to consider:-
please see attached
Thursday 4 February 2021
12:30 – 4pm
VENUE: Virtual Meeting (Spring Term)
School Self Evaluation & School Development Planning
+ School Development Plans+ SES/SEF documents
+ Performance Management + Leadership standards 2020
+ Job Descriptions+ Monitoring Cycles
+ What does SLT impact on the whole school ‘look like’?
+ How effective is your monitoring?.
Please email me ( to register for either of these sessions and in order for me to send a link as both will be held virtually in the spring term.
It would help me plan ahead if you could spend a couple of minutes answering just 3 questions …
CYP Self Harm Resources
Please find attached documents and links for some really useful resources for CYP Self Harm
ELSA training
Dear all
This year the DfE have issued a grant to support Wellbeing in Education return due to the Covid19 pandemic. As a result of this grant, the EPS have decided to run ELSA training free of charge to you as schools. The attached flyer details the dates for the ELSA training for next year. As it is a virtual offer, we have split the 6 days into half days as we have found that this is the best way for staff to engage without becoming fatigued.
An Emotional literacy support assistant is trained to a high standard and receives 6 half day sessions of ELSA supervision once they are practicing. There is a job description and it is important to choose your ELSAs wisely. We will provide you with the job description and the information regarding what the requirements are for practicing ELSAs. This is a fabulous opportunity to have a member of staff trained to support children and young people with their emotional health and wellbeing through evidence based interventions whilst receiving regular EP supervision.
Unfortunately, the grant only covers the training costs and not the ongoing supervision costs. It is important to factor this cost in to your decision making. Supervision costs £150 per year and covers the ELSA for 6 sessions of group supervision ( 1 every half term – ELSAs MUST be released to attend these sessions or they cannot conduct ELSA interventions).
Any further queries please use the contact on the flyer. The deadline for applications for the course is the 30 January 2021.
If you would like to book a place, please complete the booking form attached to this email and return to no later than 30 January 2021.
Please see attached booking form
Please see attached Training
Please see attached Presentation
Please see attached Job Description
School Funding
If you have a project or an idea that you require advice and funding assistance with, please fill out an Enquiry Form.
See attached External funding
EAL Training Offer
Dear Colleagues
Following the presentation on the new EAL commissioned service at the Primary Headteachers Meeting, please see the attached EAL training schedule. Each training programme will be delivered online via Microsoft teams, in three x one-hour twilight sessions across consecutive weeks.
To book a place on a training programme, please email Louise Yates at with the delegate’s name and job title, and the programme title and dates required.
For any queries about the training, please contact Julie Karmy at or on 0151 511 7323.
Halton Youth Cabinet- MYP elections
The Halton Youth Cabinet works alongside Halton Borough Council & the Children’s Trust to make sure that the voices of young people across the borough are heard and influence the work of the Council.
The Youth Cabinet is also responsible for administering the Youth Parliament Elections in Halton. Please can you see the attached letter from Halton Youth Cabinet about the upcoming elections process.
Please can you circulate the information to your pupils and ask them to get in touch if they are interested
Please see attached