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  • Self-harm training dates
  • Action for schools: Updated Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Reform funding guidance 
  • Information for all education settings: Publication of new resources to support improved behaviour
  • Children’s emotions
  • Action for schools and further education settings: Avoid education and exam disruption from measles
  • Action for all settings: New National Professional Qualification for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs)
  • Action for schools: Express your interest in joining the National Breakfast Programme
  • Information for early years settings and schools with early years provision: New content published on the Foundation Years Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile page
  • HR presentation to Governors
  • WRAP PPT for Governor meeting
  • Governor Conference November 24
  • Strategic Directors Report
  • Thrive introduction and invite
  • launch of the ACT for Education e-learning and the Protective Security and Preparedness guidance




Self-harm training dates


Self Harm Training book a place:

In response to the analysis of data collected on reported self-harm incidents in education settings last term the Halton Health Improvement Team are going to deliver two face to face sessions on Self Harm.

Monday 1 July 09:30-11:30 at Kingsway Primary School Widnes

Tuesday 9 July 15:30-17:00 Gorswood Primary School Runcorn

To book a place please email Maria McNulty- with your preferred date and she will book you on.



Online safety

Source: UK Safer Internet Centre, Childnet Youth Advisory Board

The UK Safer Internet Centre has developed an online safety resource alongside the Childnet Youth Advisory Board. The interactive resource “Reliability Online” helps to teach children about what they can trust when they are online and covers risks such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated imagery, scams, and body image. It is aimed at young people aged 13 to 16-years-old, but can be adapted for use with older or younger learners.

Access the resource: New interactive learning resource from Childnet looking at reliability online  

See also on NSPCC Learning 

Online safety resources

This article will be of interest to SENCOs, senior leaders and school business professionals

Schools can use their National Tutoring Programme (NTP) funding to contribute to 50% of tutoring costs until 31 August 2024.

This includes alternative types of established, evidence-underpinned interventions for pupils with SEND, including:

  • speech and language therapy
  • fine and gross motor skills (holding pens/ pencils, aiding writing development and other learning outcomes)
  • study skills (listening capability, homework/ revision strategies, assistive technology skills and classwork strategies)
  • social skills and communication (role play and play interaction)
  • sensory based interventions (aiding information processing, sensory development, and sensory regulation)

Read this blog, where Executive Headteacher, Meic Griffiths, shares the impact of tutoring and why he recommends using NTP to support pupils with SEND.

Get more information on NTP funding for special schools and review our guidance on the programme and supporting pupils with SEND.

Action for schools: Updated Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Reform funding guidance 

Please note we are re-issuing this article due to an error in the previously listed email address. We apologise for any confusion caused.

We have updated the guidance which details the funding available to training providers and placement schools for ITT in academic year 2024 to 2025. The updated guidance includes information of what funding is available and how to apply for it.  

Schools who host trainees on ITT placements will be able to incur costs related to the introduction of the general mentor role from 6 April 2024.

Further information about the general mentor role is detailed in the ITT Criteria 2024 to 2025. There is also guidance available for schools on how to host an ITT placement.

If you’d like more information about ITT reform funding, please email.

Information for all education settings: Publication of new resources to support improved behaviour

On 25 April 2024, we published free resources designed for the Behaviour Hubs programme. They comprise of 12 virtual module videos on the DfE YouTube channel and audit and action planning tools on the GOV.UK website.

These high-quality resources can be used by all schools and trusts to support their work in developing sustainable changes to their behaviour culture to help create calm, safe and supportive school environments.

Children’s emotions

 Source: EEF  The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has developed a resource to help support self-regulation and executive function in early childhood. The resource sets out five approaches for early educators to help children with their thoughts, actions, and emotional responses. The approaches include: creating and navigating challenge; teaching self-monitoring and self-awareness; and creating a community of collaborative learners.

Read the news story: Teaching children self-awareness of their feelings and actions supports early development

Action for schools and further education settings: Avoid education and exam disruption from measles

The number of measles cases in England has increased significantly since October 2023.

With exams starting shortly, please remind students, staff and parents to protect themselves by ensuring they have had 2 doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. It’s never too late to catch up. If they are unsure of their vaccination status, encourage them to check their Red Book or speak to their GP.

Vaccination is the best way to ensure measles does not prevent students from completing their exams.

If a measles case is confirmed in your school or college, your local Health Protection Team will work with you to agree options for reducing transmission, helping to minimise exam disruption.

For further information, see guidance on managing specific infectious diseases, or watch our webinar.

Action for all settings: New National Professional Qualification for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs)

This article will be of interest to SENCOs and senior leaders

On 22 April 2024, we amended the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Regulations. The changes introduce the new National Professional Qualification for SEN Co-ordinators (NPQ for SENCOs) as the mandatory SENCO qualification from 1 September 2024. We have published guidance on the transition arrangements.

The NPQ for SENCOs will play a key role in achieving our ambition to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND by ensuring SENCOs consistently receive high-quality, evidence-based training.

Scholarship funding will be available for participants undertaking the new mandatory NPQ for SENCOs in autumn 2024. Register your interest here.

We want to find out more from those interested in registering for the new NPQ for SENCOs. If you are a current or aspiring SENCO, or simply interested in the course (or know a colleague who may be interested) please support by completing the survey.

Action for schools: Express your interest in joining the National Breakfast Programme

The National School Breakfast Programme has been extended for another year until July 2025.

Evidence shows that providing a healthy school breakfast at the start of the school day can contribute to improved readiness to learn, attendance, concentration, wellbeing and behaviour.

There are spaces available to start on the programme this term, and schools can express an interest in joining the scheme by completing an expression of interest form. For questions on the expression of interest please contact

The offer is available to all schools that have 40% or more children in income deprivation affecting children index (IDACI) bands A-F. All participating schools will receive a 75% subsidy for breakfast provision until July 2025, meaning they pay just 25% of the cost of food and delivery.

Information for early years settings and schools with early years provision: New content published on the Foundation Years Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile page

The Department for Education’s EYFS Profile on Foundation Years provides teachers with support to help them complete the EYFS Profile. It will be updated regularly throughout the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

Each update covers a new area of the Profile, focusing on topics the sector has asked for more information on.

The most recent update provides information on how to complete the EYFS Profile for children who remain in EYFS provision beyond age 5.



HR presentation to Governors

Please see attached HR presentation to governors.


WRAP PPT for Governor meeting

Please see attached Wraparound Childcare Presentation to Governors.


Governor Conference November 24

Please see attached Halton Governors Conference 2024 – Preparing for the Future! AGENDA.


Strategic Directors Report

Please find attached the Summer Term Strategic Directors Reports to Governors.


Thrive introduction and invite

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend our SEND launch event last week. It was wonderful to see so many of you there, and to receive such a positive response to the event.

I am aware, that the Thrive session generated a lot of questions. Please find attached  a FAQs document,  which hopefully will provide answers to most of your questions.

See attached Thrive brochure.

I would like also to take this opportunity to formally introduce you to our colleagues from Thrive, Amanda Seward and Simone Pedley. Please find below, an introduction from Simone and Amanda, along with an invitation to an online Q&A session, which you are under no obligation to attend, but which may prove helpful.

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to work across all settings in Halton and look forward to working in Partnership with Halton Borough Council. We are keen to ensure that all settings can embed the Thrive Approach and will work with school leaders over the coming weeks to ensure you have everything you need to sign up and to begin training with us.

Please look out for an email from Thrive over the next week which will contain further information on the specific training package and CPD being offered to your school. This is dependent on factors such as number of pupils, the phase you work in and if you are a current Thrive partner. The email will also contain information on how you can sign up your school to start training with us and how to identify the appropriate staff to be involved. We have the capacity to take on all schools in wave one of the training so please do not worry about places. We also know some schools are keen to wait a short while due to other commitments and we are also planning for a slightly later start date for these setting. All staff in all settings will be able to access Thrive Online, our award-winning assessment and monitoring tool, from September, regardless of when their Licensed Practitioner starts their training.  

If you missed the SEND event on 30 April or just want to find out more about Thrive then you can sign up for a Q&A session using the links below. These will be informal sessions delivered jointly by members of the Thrive and LA teams and will give colleagues an overview of our partnership and the opportunity to ask questions. You can sign up for the events by clicking the links below:

Thursday 23 May: 4pm – 5pm

Friday 24 May: 1pm -2pm

We look forward to working with you.

Amanda Seward, Business Development Team Manager (North)

Sim Pedley: North West Regional Manager”


launch of the ACT for Education e-learning and the Protective Security and Preparedness guidance


The Department for Education has launched the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) for Education e-Learning course and the Protective Security and Preparedness for education settings guidance, developed in collaboration with the National Counter-Terrorism Security Office and sector partners.

The e-learning course is aimed at those working in education settings focusing on embedding a security minded culture, identifying security vulnerabilities and suspicious activity and responding to incidents. To access this course, users will need to create a free account with ProtectUK.

The non-statutory guidance includes advice on developing response plans, testing and exercising and communications, and is aimed at all those who have responsibilities for keeping learners safe and security leads.

Kind regards, Benjamin Holmes