Halton Governors Conference 2022
SEND Services to Schools Briefing
Exploitation Awareness Toolkit
Halton Governors Conference 2022
Halton Borough Council and Entrust Governor Services are delighted to present the annual conference for school governors in the Borough of Halton. The conference takes place on Friday 18th November at Halton Stadium.
Please see attahced poster.
To book a place at our conference please email: governors@entrust-ed.co.uk
SEND Services to Schools Briefing
Tuesday 29th November 2022
@DCBL Stadium The Bridge Suite 9am-12pm
This meeting is aimed at giving both Headteachers and SENDCo’s and overview of various SEND teams that are available to schools to support SEND pupils. This has been requested by a number of schools during recent SEND Outcome meetings.
Each service will give an overview of what they do, support available and how referrals will be made. This is an opportunity to meet new members of the Halton team and network within this area.
Please register below.
For further information contact: mike.stapleton-chambers@halton.gov.uk
Exploitation Awareness Toolkit
Dear Colleagues
The Children’s Society is consulting on the development of an online Exploitation Awareness Toolkit specifically for Primary Schools. This will be invaluable as a resource for primary age pupils and their teachers. I would urge you to spend five minutes completing the survey at the end of the next section of this email. The section below that shares the current toolkit which is for secondary schools but demonstrates the high quality resources available already. The named contact at The Children’s Society, is Juliette Baldwin (Juliette.Baldwin@childrenssociety.org.uk).
Primary age children exploitation survey:
The transition from primary and secondary school is one of our systems change priorities for the Disrupting Exploitation Programme. As part of this work, we are consulting with our key partners regarding current trends and themes in relation to child exploitation in primary school aged children. This will feed into an online Exploitation Awareness Toolkit specifically for Primary schools.
We would appreciate feedback from TCS services on their experiences in this area. We have created a short survey which should take no more than 5 minutes to complete, and which will be invaluable in supporting our work: Primary-Age Children Exploitation Survey (office.com)
As well as the work to develop a resource for primary schools, there is a new online toolkit for Secondary School Staff as follows:
A New Online Exploitation Awareness Toolkit for School Staff
Over the last year, we’ve been working on an online Exploitation Awareness Toolkit designed specifically for staff working in mainstream secondary schools. This has been a collaborative project by The Children’s Society’s Disrupting Exploitation, CLIMB, and Prevention Programmes. These resources have been informed by feedback from teachers, school-based work with young people, and our experience of supporting children who are victims of exploitation and their families.
The Toolkit is broken down into three sections:
Part 1 – Training Workshops
Training videos for school staff about Exploitation, Unconscious Biases, and Trauma Informed Practice.
Part 2 – Useful Resources
Resources to support secondary mainstream school staff in safeguarding children from exploitation.
Part 3 – Session Plans
Fully editable resources which allow school staff to deliver sessions focused on topics such as Safety, Consent, and Exploitation in an age-appropriate way.
You can access the Toolkit here: https://tinyurl.com/ExploitationAwarenessToolkit
For any queries or feedback, please contact: infoDEx@childrenssociety.org.uk