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January Safeguarding Update
Events coming up for Deputy & Assistant Headteachers
Free network meeting for Lancashire Agreed Syllabus
covid-19 funds





January Safeguarding Update


Dear Headteacher’s and DSL’s,

Happy New Year! I hope this update finds you well and this new phase of remote learning and schools being clo-open is going as well as it can.

A few updates below, but the key message is that I continue to be here to support with any safeguarding concerns or issues. Please do get in touch via phone or email and I will help wherever I can.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Addendum 2021

Please click here to access a lockdown addendum to the model safeguarding and child protection policy, for you to adapt and use, if you wish.


Training in 2021

All the courses I advertised in December will continue to be delivered via Teams this term. Here is a reminder of the training being offered:


There are due to be some BIG changes to the filtering process used with DBS Checks following a Supreme Court ruling and Overseas checks as a result of Brexit. I am in the process of developing an update for schools on the changes and what they will mean for any future pre-employment checks, etc.

These briefings will last approximately 90 minutes and will also provide an opportunity to ask any questions regarding recruitment and employment checks. It is strongly advised that at least one member of staff from every school attends one of these briefings, even if you have completed Safer Recruitment training in the last couple of months, due to the extent of the changes.

The dates of these briefings are below and places can be reserved by emailing The briefings will take place via Microsoft Teams and the link will be sent out nearer to the time.

Tuesday 26 January 2021 – 10:00 – 11:30

Tuesday 26 January 2021 – 13:30 – 14:30

Wednesday 27 January 2021 – 15:30 – 17:00


  • Safer Recruitment  for Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Business Managers and Governors

15 January 2021 – 9:15am – 4:30pm – Fully Booked

23 April 2021 – 9:15am – 4:30pm


  • Safer Recruitment Refresher  for Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Business Managers and Governors. (A certificate from the full course must be seen before a place can be reserved on this course)

26 April 2021 – 9:30am – 12:30pm


  • New to the role of DSL  (Or infrequent user) This course is in addition to ‘Working Together L3 Safeguarding Training’ (which is delivered by the safeguarding partnership) and focusses on the role of DSL within a school setting – including managing referrals, specific areas of safeguarding and recording & reporting concerns.

4 May 2021 – 9:30am – 4pm


  • DSL Workshop  For ALL DSL’s. This is the main DSL updates and workshops. It is best practice for all schools to try and attend these meetings each term. (The agenda will be sent out prior to the meeting)

4 March 2021 – 1pm – 4pm

29 June 2021 – 1pm – 4pm


  • Designated Governor for Safeguarding Training. This course is aimed at any governor who has a specific safeguarding responsibility as part of their role. It will provide them with a clear understanding of suitable processes and procedures to enable them to carry out their duties effectively.

9 February 2021 – 9:30am – 4pm

Further dates may be added, depending on demand.


  • Governor Safeguarding Training  All Governors should receive safeguarding training in line with all members of staff and volunteers a minimum of once every three years, with regular updates during this time. This can be delivered using the whole school training materials. However, if preferred, Governors can attend this course which looks at safeguarding in schools from a Governor perspective. (They will still need to ensure that they understand the school’s specific processes and procedures)

23 March 2021 – 9:30am – 12:30pm

Further dates may be added, depending on demand.

If any further dates or training needs are identified, then I will do my best to provide these for schools, wherever possible. However, I do not have capacity to deliver training to full governing bodies in school, in the same way I cannot deliver whole staff safeguarding training. For September 2021, I will look to produce an adapted L2 training materials pack for use with full governing bodies, which can then be delivered by the school’s own safeguarding teams.

Places on all courses can be reserved by emailing If booking for someone else, please include their email addresses so I can send out links and documents prior to the course.


Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass notifications will continue to be sent out by the police throughout the current restrictions. Remember, if you ever receive an alert, you can contact an EP for advice on how best to support the child(ren) FOR FREE.


Wishes and Feelings

The team at iCART have asked me to remind schools that, unless there are serious safeguarding concerns, parental consent should be sought before any wishes and feelings work is completed with a child.


Eclipse Training and the move to MAPS – An update from the Early Help Team

Due to Covid and tweaking some IT issues, the roll out of Eclipse and the related training will now take place towards the end of February. In the meantime, schools can still access the old CAF system and hold CAF reviews as normal. If anyone has any queries around the Eclipse training or CAFs, then they can contact Krista on or 0151 511 8199.


Bomb Threats

At the end of last term, I was made aware that across Cheshire there was an increase in bomb threats being made to schools. On each occasion, it was a hoax. However, as a school, please ensure that you have clear processes and procedures in place for if you were ever receive a threat of this nature. What are your lockdown procedures? Do all staff know what to do?


Collaborate digital – A FREE police initiative COMING IN JANUARY!

Starting this month, the police have commissioned a media project called ‘Collaborate Digital’. The initiative is free to schools and includes all the resources and materials required. The details are due to be emailed to PSHE leads or Headteachers at some point this month and runs until May, with a celebration scheduled for July. Please keep an eye out for the email!


Safeguarding Portfolio

As you will all appreciate, safeguarding is more than just one policy. There are many important school policies, as well as numerous pieces of national guidance and legislation that all come together to ensure that our children and young people are safe, happy and thrive. In order to provide a ‘one stop shop’, I have collated a list of all the policies and guidance documents which it would be beneficial to collect in one place for staff to be able to access:


Guidance & Legislation



Policies and Supporting Documents


  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (inc. Covid Addendum)
  • Staff Code of Conduct
  • Online Safety Policy
  • Acceptable Use Policies – Staff and Children
  • Behaviour / Anti-Bullying Policies
  • Remote Learning Policy
  • Whisteblowing Policy
  • LADO Processes
  • Staff and Volunteers Induction Checklist and Probationary Period Documentation
  • Volunteers and Students Risk Assessment
  • Escalation Policy and Procedures
  • Halton Levels of Need
  • Halton Assessment Toolkit
  • Halton Voice of the Child
  • Equal Opportunities Policy


Safeguarding Training and CPD


  • Designated Safeguarding Lead certificates;
  • Safer Recruitment Training certificates;
  • Evidence of Prevent training Designated Safeguarding Leads;
  • Evidence of any other Designated Safeguarding Lead training or staff training relevant to Safeguarding e.g.: Prevent/ WRAP, Online Safety, etc;
  • Evidence of annual whole school training with logs of attendance;
  • Evidence or regular updates/briefings distributed to all staff & governors;
  • Evidence of all staff who have contact with children have read, understood and signed for the appropriate DfE Guidance’s to assist them in their role e.g. KCSIE;
  • Records that all staff including volunteers, have read and signed any relevant guidance’s and policies as identified by the school/college;
  • Include any on line learning & training recommended eg: Channel, FGM, CSE, Safer Recruitment, Prevent, On-Line Safety.
  • Schools initiatives or engagement in Child Protection and Safeguarding programmes for pupils/students e.g.: NSPCC Schools Service, specific campaigns and Anti-Bullying programmes & awards;
  • Evidence of child’s voice & participation e.g.- Safeguarding leaflets produced with pupils and for parents/carers/pupils/staff


I really hope this list comes in handy. If you think of anything which you feel is missing from the list, please do let me know and I will include it in ‘Version 2’ later in the year. I will then try to keep the list updated and send it out with the updated model policy each year.

As ever, if you have any safeguarding issues, please do get in touch and I will help / offer support however I can.

Keep safe! Kind regards,

Ben Holmes






Events coming up for Deputy & Assistant Headteachers


Network Meeting for Deputy & Assistant Head Teachers which may be of interest to your deputy/assistant head.

Thursday 21 January 2021 at 4:00 – 5:00 pm VENUE: Virtual Meeting

(Network meetings will be taking place half termly)

Please see attached


Training opportunity for Deputy & Assistant Head Teachers which may be of interest to your deputy/assistant head.

NB: The training event planned for 4 February is now full – a new date has been added (11 February 2021)


This is a great opportunity for your senior leader/s to consider:-

HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR SCHOOL?  This training will also feature self-evaluation of remote learning.

Thursday 11 February 2021 at 12:30 – 4pm VENUE: Virtual Meeting

Please see attached

Please email me ( to register for either of these sessions and in order for me to send a link as both will be held virtually.





Free network meeting for Lancashire Agreed Syllabus


Please find attached a flier for a free online network meeting on the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus.

Teachers would need to go onto the Lancashire LPDS website to book.




covid-19 funds

Please find attached list of the latest covid-19 funds. If you need help applying please give us a call on 0151 511 7214 or email