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  • Holiday Activity Programme – OCTOBER HALF TERM

  • Exploring Belonging and Believing resources and EYFS Opportunities for RE

  • Get Ready For Maths Week 2021

  • Covid Funding Opportunities





Holiday Activity Programme – OCTOBER HALF TERM


We are delighted to announce that Halton Borough Council will be funding an additional programme of the Holiday Activity with Food during the October Half term school holidays.

We will be working with a number of providers to offer FREE activities with food included, for families who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals.

We have a wide range of activities going on throughout October from Multi sports, Arts and crafts, Halloween themed sessions and much more!

To book on to any of our sessions, please follow the link below and contact the providers direct.




Exploring Belonging and Believing resources and EYFS Opportunities for RE


The Belonging and Believing series of books is now published!

If you would like to hear more about the work and how these fresh new resources can be used effectively in the classroom, Gill Vaisey, RE Teacher, Author and Adviser, will be ‘in conversation’ at the Religious Resources Centre on 21st October 2021 at 4.15p.m.  Do feel free to join us – simply book a place here.

These sessions are open to anyone and there is no charge.

Belonging and Believing – Resourcing Primary RE. A Conversation@the RRC with Gill Vaisey, Teacher, Author and Adviser – Thursday 21st October, 4.15p.m. – 5.30p.m.

Belonging and Believing series of books and resources is the culmination of a three year project undertaken by Gill Vaisey working with eight families. In this session, Gill will take us through the content and value of these resources and illustrate how they will help enable young children to engage with the lives of a five/six year old child from eight different religions and worldviews. In line with the Commission on RE’s recommendations, the books focus on the ‘lived experience’ of children, their families and communities, bringing real lives into the classroom. The Belonging and Believing resources aim to inform, inspire, engage and excite children, teachers, and everyone interested in understanding and respecting diversity of religion and worldviews.

Book a place here.

You may also like to join us for:

EYFS, Key Stage 1 & RE: Making Every Opportunity Count!
A Conversation@theRRC with Gill Vaisey, Teacher, Author and Adviser.
Thursday 18th November, 6.30p.m. – 7.45 p.m.

The EYFS Framework 2021 strengthens the place of religious education through its explicit reference to ‘religious communities’.  In this session, Gill will talk us through her latest guidance document which provides extracts from the EYFS Framework which are most relevant to Religion and Worldviews Education (RE). Her document emphasises the extensive opportunities for providing RE within the new 2021 Framework. It provides a wealth of ideas and references to resources for supporting children in understanding religion and worldviews at the various stages of development according to the 2020 Development Matters guidance.  Whilst primarily referencing Early Years documentation, the ideas and resources can also be used with pupils working at KS1.

 Bookings for this event will be open soon!



Get Ready For Maths Week 2021


Get Ready for Maths week Mon, 8 Nov 2021 – Sat, 13 Nov 2021. For more information see link here




Covid Funding Opportunities


please find attached  funding opportunities.