Select Page


  • 2021 NASACRE Conference & AGM – 24 May
  • Virtual Faith Visitors for Primary Schools
  • COVID-19 Funds
  • Schools Funding Bulletin – April 2021
  • Oak National Academy Webinars
  • Interfaith Week resources
  • Our Skies: Moving Beyond





2021 NASACRE Conference & AGM – 24 May


Dear Colleagues

The 2021 annual NASACRE conference and AGM will be held on Monday 24th May. This will be a virtual conference.

Our theme for our conference is Authority in RE. We will register people from 09:15 for a 09:45 start and will conclude by 16:00 (with several little breaks!) on Zoom. The programme for the conference is attached.

We are excited to share that Dr Richard Kueh and Professor Denise Cush will be giving our keynote addresses. Delegates will also have the opportunity to attend two workshops (choices attached).

Please find further details and information on how to book your place on our website.

The closing date for bookings is 5pm on Friday 14 May.

Please see attached conference programme

Please see attached workshop choices




Virtual Faith Visitors for Primary Schools


Imran Kotwal from Muslim Learner Services is offering Primary Schools Virtual and Face-to-Face Islam Assemblies, Pupil workshops and staff meetings. Four key Islamic festivals/events will take place during the Summer term: Ramadan, Eid-ul-fitr, Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha.

To discuss a possible visit (Virtual or Face-to-Face) please complete our school visit enquiry form HERE or email

For more information – please visit

For testimonial about our school visits – please visit






COVID-19 Funds


Please note this will be the final Covid Bulletin in this form. Going forward I will send through any new Covid related funds as and when on individual emails. I will leave the last bulletin up on our site for reference if anyone needs it.


If you wish to sign up to our regular bulletins here is the link They are themed around Arts, Community/Voluntary, Environment/Heritage, Faith, Health, Schools, Sports and Youth.





Schools Funding Bulletin – April 2021



If you have a project or an idea that you require advice and funding assistance with, please fill out an Enquiry Form.

Schools Bulletin – April 2021

Funding Bulletins Home Page





Oak National Academy Webinars


Please find attached the details of the webinars that the Oak National Academy are offering teachers across the City Region

The first one is scheduled for Wednesday 28th April 2021, 15.30 with the second one for SEND teachers on Wednesday 12th May 2021, 15:30. The link to sign up is included in the flier.





Interfaith Week resources


FAO Secondary teachers of Religious Education

Inter Faith Activity in the UK: a teacher resource for secondary pupils aged 11-14

A resource designed to help increase pupils’ understanding of, and skills for, inter faith encounter, dialogue and action. It focuses on learning about real examples of inter faith engagement, including in their areas.




Our Skies: Moving Beyond


Please see attached for information