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Stress awareness April Tool kit for Primary & Secondary schools

External Funding Training Opportunities





Stress Awareness April Tool kit for Primary & Secondary schools


Stress is something we will all experience in our lives. However, there are any number of reasons why we may feel under pressure at different times. This pressure can sometimes be helpful, keeping us focused and helping us complete tasks.

For children and young people, this may happen because of school work, difficulties at home or problems with friends. School staff face many different pressures at work, and juggling priorities can cause significant stress.

Mentally Healthy schools have created two toolkits – one for primary schools, and one for secondary schools: Stress Awareness Month Toolkit

Resources for children included

Understanding stress lesson plans from young minds

Coping with exam stress from childline

Mindfulness calendar

Self-care kit from NHS- activities including breathing exercise, an emotional chick in

Resources for Staff

ABC model to manage teacher stress-education support

Interactive stress container-MHFA

Useful Stress Awareness Resources for Children and Young People around exam stress:

How to make exam stress easier

A guide for young people

Coping with exam stress guidance for parents

According to the Mental Health Foundation 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope- It is so important that staff are prioritizing their own wellbeing- The Health Improvement Team have designed a short training session to help individuals to recognise what stress is and introduce a number of practical tools available to build resilience and reduce stress.

The 45-minute training will cover:

  • What is stress and why do we need to tackle it
  • Understand how the body reacts to stress
  • Introduce a number of practical tools you can use to reduce stress
  • Useful mindfulness Apps/ Support services

To join the stress awareness training on Tuesday 19th April at 15:30-16:30 click on Teams lin

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Learn More | Meeting options

The Health Improvement Team are also offering schools staff wellbeing training which covers

  • Understand the meaning of wellbeing and why it is so important
  • Tips for looking after your own wellbeing- take time to reflect using self-care strategies
  • Look at how schools can priories staff wellbeing
  • Signposting to Mental Health and Wellbeing resources and sources of support

If your school would like to book this training please email;

If you need more information about mental health services locally and nationally, check out our Halton Mental Health Information Point.

Every Mind Matters has some great resources and tips for managing your mental health and wellbeing

Individual stress test – From has lots of great resources including how to reduce stress in 7 days.





External Funding Training Opportunities


Please find below the details on the next series of External Funding Training Opportunities run by Halton Borough Council’s External Funding Team. If you wish to attend please complete and return  booking form  online. For your safety and peace-of-mind, we will ensure that all training venues have undertaken adequate Covid-19 risk assessment and (for non-Council premises in particular) that guidelines are in place that are broadly comparable to those of Halton Borough Council.

Basic Bid Writing Training:

In Person – Thursday 31st March 2022, 10am-12noon (Castlefields Community Centre, Village Square, Castlefields, Runcorn WA7 2ST)

Subjects covered in the course include: • Good bid-writing techniques • 10 key elements of a basic funding application • Top-tips to write a strong bid • Q&As

Monitoring and Evaluation Training

In Person – Tuesday 17th May 2022, 10am-12noon (Halton & St Helens VCA, St Marie’s, Lugsdale Rd, Widnes, WA8 6DB)

Subjects covered in the course include: To understand what Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) involves; To learn why it is necessary; To understand where and how Monitoring & Evaluation should be used in grant-funded projects; To learn best practice (‘top tips’) for producing good quality and effective data and reports.

Now You Have Your Grant Course

Online – Thursday 17th March 2022, 10am-12noon

This course will offer a basic introduction to the responsibilities of managing grant funding for those of you who are new to this, or would like to improve your skills in this area.

Developing a Fundraising Strategy

In Person – Thursday 18th May 2022 10am – 12noon (Upton Community Centre, Hough Green Road, Widnes, WA8 4PF)

This course will help you to developing your organisation’s vision and focus your aims and objectives. It will include: organisation analysis, action planning, understanding budgets, cash flow, risk and monitoring.

Please note that there is a minimum numbers of attendees now to ensure the courses go ahead. Courses are free to those who are based in Halton or are providing projects/services benefiting Halton residents, for others there is a nominal charge . If you require any more information or book on a course please get in touch.