Healthy schools News February 2021
Teenage Pregnancy Knowledge Exchange
Children and Young People’s mental health and emotional wellbeing
Poetry Competition
Free Training Opportunities 2021
Geographical Association
Bridging the Access Gap in Cheshire
Healthy schools News February 2021
Hello Everyone
We hope you are well and getting through this incredibly difficult time. We appreciate all you are doing.
Our latest newsletter page 2, can be shared with parents and I have attached separate PDF documents to help you to share. Also attached is our posters for the NEW PHSE teacher sessions.
Start well leaflet attached
Holiday activity fund information attached
Start well schools training attached
February newsletter 2021 attached
Teenage Pregnancy Knowledge Exchange
Dear all
Here’s a summary of some very useful RSE support from the Sex Education Forum.
New external visitors guide
Schools are receiving many offers of help with RSE delivery from a range of organisations and individuals. Some of these may be familiar but others will be new.
Published last week, SEF’s new guide ‘External agencies and RSE‘ includes advice and checklists to support schools in ensuring quality provision. There is also a useful case study from Brook.
The next series of ‘Ready for RSHE’ webinars beginning on 25 February
Ready for Statutory RSHE is SEF’s webinar series designed for RSHE and PSHE leads. The next series begins on 25th February and runs every Thursday for 4 weeks:
- Parental consultation about RSE – 25 February
- RSE definitions and building a developmental curriculum – 4 March
- Values for teaching RSE – 11 March – FREE tickets for members
- Creative assessment of RSHE – 18 March
New blog on asking pupils about RSE
Asking pupils for their views on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) may feel like a bit of a luxury in lockdown, yet it could provide a vital stepping stone in moving forwards with school RSE policy development. Here’s a blog with some advice from SEF.
Children and Young People’s mental health and emotional wellbeing
To raise awareness of children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing, the Health Improvement team are running resilience workshops via Teams. The Resilience Framework Workshop will look at different ways we can support a young person to be more resilient. It will cover examples of how teaching staff have used the ‘Boing Boing’ framework and will highlight practical tools and approaches that can be used to contribute to building resilience with children when times are especially tough.
Tuesday 9 March at 15:30-16:15
Monday 22 March at 15:30-16:15
If you would like to book a place on the workshop, please email maria.mcnulty@halton.gov.uk
If you need information about mental health services locally and nationally, check out our Halton Mental Health Information Point. Here you will also find tips, practical tools and guidance for children, parents, carers and staff to look after their mental health.
Poetry Competition
Everyone at Halton Libraries loves poetry and we are well aware that Halton has some incredibly talented poets of all ages. Therefore, as part of our Let’s Make festival, we’re launching a poetry competition.
We would like you to compose a poem around the theme of The Power of Books. It can be in any style of poetry whether that be a haiku, free verse, acrostic or even a limerick!
There are 3 categories:
- 6-11 years
- 12-16 years
- 17+
The competition will be open to submissions from 1st March and entries must be in by Wednesday 1st April.
To enter, please send your poems during that time to HLELIB@halton.gov.uk or hand them in at your nearest Halton Library.
The winners will be announced at the end of April and the winning poems will be displayed in our libraries, on our website and read out at a special event on our social media. There will also be a prize for each category winner.
Free Training Opportunities 2021
Dear colleague,
Please find below the details on the next series of Basic Bid-Writing Training and Monitoring & Evaluation Courses run by Halton Borough Council’s External Funding Team. If you wish to attend please complete and return the attached booking form or complete it online.
Basic Bid Writing Training: Online
Thursday 25 March 10am-12noon
Thursday 15 July 10am-12noon
Subjects covered in the course include:
- Good bid-writing techniques
- 10 key elements of a basic funding application
- Top-tips to write a strong bid
- Q&As
Monitoring and Evaluation Training: Online
Thursday 25 Feb 10am-12noon
Thursday 24 June 10am-12noon
Subjects covered in the course include: To understand what Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) involves; To learn why it is necessary; To understand where and how Monitoring & Evaluation should be used in grant-funded projects; To learn best practice (‘top tips’) for producing good quality and effective data and reports.
Now You Have Your Grant Course: Online
Thursday 27 May 10am-12noon
This course will offer a basic introduction to the responsibilities of managing grant funding for those of you who are new to this, or would like to improve your skills in this area.
Developing a Fundraising Strategy: Online
Thursday 29 April 10am-12noon
This course will help you to developing your organisation’s vision and focus your aims and objectives. It will include: organisation analysis, action planning, understanding budgets, cash flow, risk and monitoring.
If you require any more information or book on a course please get in touch.
@fundinghalton #haltonfunding
Geographical Association
FAO Primary Geography Coordinators
The Geographical Association has updated its Early Years and primary curriculum resources section of the website. It can be found at https://www.geography.org.uk/Early-Years-and-primary-curriculum
Bridging the Access Gap in Cheshire
A NEW initiative to encourage more members of the public to take up sign language as an extra language and skill, is now available to residents of Cheshire. The Signs4Life scheme is to help people to communicate and engage with children and adults who may have hearing impairments.
Hana Riaz, Signs4Life partnerships officer, explains “There are more than nine million hearing-impaired people registered in the UK. We have already worked with social workers, housing staff, teachers, the local NHS, and Royal Mail. We wanted to open our programs to the general public, who might also have an interest in learning sign language, especially now that many people are stuck at home during this third lockdown. We are offering a free 6-week BSL program, which you can enjoy and access from the comfort of your homes, delivered through Zoom”. Signs4Life is leading efforts towards a society in which people with disabilities have full access and are working to raise the public and political awareness of disability provision.
For more details on the free community program, due to start after Easter half-term, please email Hana, on community@signs4life.org marking your email as ‘Cheshire’.