UK Road Safety Week 2019
UK Road Safety Week 2019
Applies to-All schools
Educators are being encouraged to register for UK Road Safety Week 2019 (18-24 November) at Coordinated by charity Brake, the Week is a great opportunity to engage children of all ages with road safety by using free resources on this year’s theme Step up for Safe Streets.
Schools, nurseries, colleges and family centres can now register for UK Road Safety Week 2019 (18-24 November) at Coordinated by charity Brake, the Week is a great opportunity to engage children of all ages with road safety by using free resources. These include assembly slides, lesson plans, guidance sheets, activity sheets, posters and digital content such as videos and games. This year’s theme of Step up for Safe Streets aims to raise awareness about how young people can step up and learn how to create a safe and healthy future and shout out for change.
see attached poster