• Important Information – Coronavirus Update- ADVICE for SCHOOLS

  • Privacy Notice for Schools

  • Electricity Supplies




Important Information – Coronavirus Update


Dear Colleague

Attached is some important  information  prepared for  Educational settings from Public Health England.

Please can you ensure that all staff are aware of the guidance.  Information is updated on a daily basis so please can you ensure you check the following link regularly.

The information is updated on a daily basis could you therefore check the following link updated regularly.





Privacy Notice for Schools

Applies to – All schools

Dear Headteacher

I have attached a model template concerning – Privacy Notice for Job Applicants

For those schools who have agreed to purchase the Contacts, Recruitment and Pay Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the 2020/21 financial year can I refer you to the School Recruitment email dated 5 February 2020.

As part of the move to the ATS process Council has taken the opportunity to review our application forms in line with the relevant Data Protection requirements. When an applicant applies for a vacancy, they should be informed about how the data they provided will be used and stored for the purposes of recruitment, selection and subsequent employment, where applicable. This information should exist in two forms; a Privacy Notice (PN) and a declaration.  Jobs Go Public have their own PN as they are responsible for the information that is stored within the ATS. The school should also have a PN, which covers applicant and employee data.

If your school is one, which does not currently have a PN that covers applicants and employees the attached should be adopted.

Can you please email a copy of the adopted PN to Information Governance   which we will pass to HR.  A copy of the PN for each school will need to be linked to any vacancy this is advertised.




Electricity supplies

Applies to-All schools 

Applies to those schools who have their electricity supplied by British Gas through the HBC corporate contract

From April 1st 2021 all electricity supplies that are currently with British Gas will transfer to EDF as a result of a new framework agreement awarded by Crown Commercial Service (CCS). The transfer will happen automatically providing that there is no outstanding debt with British Gas.

It is important that all accounts are up to date when the transfer date approaches, hence the notification in good time  – if not British Gas will object to the transfer and the supply will not be on the CCS Framework contract rates until British Gas do agree to the transfer.

If any site wishes to leave the CCS framework contract, notice needs to be given to Property Services by mid-September 2020 in order that they can give the necessary notice to CCS to allow you to leave at the end of March 2021 otherwise the supply contract will automatically roll over each April.