Select Page


  • Technical Support Team

  • Solihull Approach – Free Online Courses

  • Governor Vacancies

  • D & AHT Autumn & Spring Dates 2023-2024 for your Diary

  • Funding Bulletin

  • The BIG Conversation – Listening to Children & Young People

  • Early Years training brochure  2023-2024

  • Safeguarding information 




Technical Support Team


Following the retirement of Peter Kelly from Halton Borough Council on 31  August 2023 as Technical Support Lead, we are pleased to advise that Martin Gaskell, who many of you will already know through his work as a member of the Technical Support Team, has been appointed to the Lead role and will take up the post from 1st September 2023.  Martin will be overseeing the SLAs offered by the Team to schools which include Technical Support, Caretaker Support, and Caretaker/Cleaner Support, and he will also be putting together a range of training opportunities for school based staff, specifically intended to support Caretakers/Cleaners, Site Managers and Premises Managers, and other school based staff and governors with Health & Safety responsibilities.  Courses available will include Working at Heights, Fire Warden, Fire Awareness, Manual Handling, Caretakers Induction, and Cleaning Seminars.  If you have any specific training requirements he would be happy to discuss those with you and can be contacted via email: or by telephone: 07771 977681.  Martin and the Technical Support Team look forward to working with you and supporting you and your schools.




Solihull Approach – Free Online Courses

   Exciting News     

As part of the launch of Family Hubs, Halton Borough Council have purchased the Solihull Approach Multi-User Licence which means that every resident in Halton can access evidence based online courses for LIFE for FREE!

What is the Solihull Approach?
  • A theoretical model integrating psychodynamic, child development and learning theory
  • The Solihull Approach is an NHS organisation promoting emotional health and well-being by supporting relationships
  • The approach is included in the UK Department of Health’s Healthy Child Programme
  • Evidence based, accredited, online courses from pre-birth to adolescence
  • A great way to increase accessibility of parenting programmes through online courses which have the same content as the face to face courses


Who are these courses for?

These courses are for everyone; mothers, fathers, partners, grandparents, foster carers – as well as other family and involved friends.

The courses are really informative and interesting! They look at the baby / child’s / teenager brain development, play, styles of parenting, sleep, temper tantrums, communication and many more.

Emotional health and wellbeing of parents, grandparents, carers and the infant/child/teenager are explored within the courses. The courses are based on evidence, have been written by registered professionals, and are recognised by NHS providers and accredited by the Department of Education (DfE).

There are lots of courses to choose from, learners can do them all or choose which one’s are most relevant to their situation. Once registered, learners have free life time access so they can work through the programmes as their child grows.

Available courses:

  • ‘Understanding your pregnancy, labour, birth & your baby’
  • ‘Understanding your baby’
  • ‘Understanding your child’ 0-19+yrs (main course)
  • ‘Understanding your child with additional needs’ 0-19+yrs (main course)
  • ‘Understanding your teenager’s brain’ (short course)
  • ‘Understanding your child’s feelings’ (taster course)
  • ‘Understanding your relationships’(young people, adults, older adults course)
  • ‘Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing (accompanies UYC and/or UYCAD)
  • ‘Understanding your brain (for teenager’s only!)’
  • ‘Understanding your feelings (for teenager’s only!)’

Non-English languages: Professionals translations: Understanding your child’ in Urdu, Arabic, Polish, Bulgarian, Chinese, Spanish, Somali, Welsh; ‘Understanding your pregnancy…’ in Urdu, Polish, Arabic, Spanish, Welsh; 108 languages available through Google Translate

The courses are accessible by PC, Laptop, Tablet and Smart Phone and learners will receive a certificate at the end

Accessing the courses couldn’t be easier, simply go to and enter the access code TOGETHER

Email if you have any questions or would like more information or materials in different formats.



There are a number of schools across Halton who are seeking people to join their governing body.  Are you interested or do you know anyone who would like to gain experience by joining a governing body in Halton?

If you are able to attend two or three meetings per term, are willing to provide input and commitment to the role and are interested in helping to improve the outcomes for children in our schools, then we would like to hear from you.  Please contact


Governor Training

Governor Briefings

All at the Stadium


Governor Training -Ofsted Inspection Offering Support and Challenge to your setting

@The Bridge Stadium


Governor Conference

@The Stadium


New to School SEND Governor Training

@The Stadium


Governor Training – Pupil Premium, Disadvantaged & SEND

@The Stadium


Governor Learning Walks, Support & Challenge Visits

At your setting

Focus set by school

Various dates available – email


Governor  Safeguarding training


The 2023 version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) comes into force on 1 September.  We have developed a short briefing to ensure as governors, trustees and/or management committees you are aware of the most important changes and any necessary actions required arising from the changes since 2022.

Sessions available via Microsoft Teams on the following dates and times:

11th September 5.00pm – Governor Briefing

18th September 8.30am – Governor Briefing

18th September 12.30 – Governor Briefing


Level 2 Safeguarding Training for Governors via Microsoft Teams


29th September 1pm – 4pm

Safeguarding training for Governors.  Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, 2023) sets out that all governors should undertake safeguarding and child protection training to enable them to provide appropriate strategic challenge, and that this training should be updated regularly.

We recommend that all governors, including the link governor for safeguarding, undertake Level 2 safeguarding training.


SEND Outcomes CPD Training 23/24


Please find below a range of forthcoming training for SEND outcome for the next academic year:

EHCP – New Assessment and Annual Review workshop

@The Stadium


SEND and Wider Services to Schools – Part 3

@The Stadium

Thursday 30th November 2023 –

Peer to Peer SEND Review

At your setting

Limited dates still available for 23/24 – email


SEND Learning Walks

At your setting

Various dates available email –


SEND outcomes meeting

At your setting

Various dates available email –


Assessment and Moderation Yr2 & Yr6 CPD Training


@The Stadium

Headteacher Moderation and Assessment Briefing

@The Stadium


KS2 Moderation Dates

@The Stadium

  • Wednesday 5th June 2024 – Schools will be selected for this by LA
  • Tuesday 11th June 2024 – Schools will be selected for this by LA
  • Wednesday 19th June 2024 – Schools will be selected for this by LA


Free financial education training for teachers and school leaders


The Money and Pensions Service is working with partners to offer free financial education training for teachers and school leaders between now and March 2024.

A range of options are available to help education settings deliver quality learning about money.

Follow the links to find out more about:


Register for maths continuing professional development (CPD) starting September 2023


Maths hubs serve all state-funded schools in England and offer over 30 different maths-specific CPD opportunities to teachers in all phases.

This ranges from subject and pedagogical knowledge, to leadership and whole-school maths improvement. There are places available in 2023 to 2024, and all CPD is fully-funded.

Learn more about the opportunities-

Any further information please contact


National Numeracy’s Family Maths Toolkit activities are available free of charge to support schools and families in developing maths confidence amongst children. The activity packs are available for all year groups from Reception to Year 6. The set includes short, fun activities for children and families to do together, exploring maths in creative ways and real-life contexts. The activities support the maths curriculum and are a great way to engage parents in their children’s maths learning, as they’re designed for children to complete at home with their families. Alongside the primary school year group packs, the full set also includes activities for EYFS to KS4 around building positive mindsets – and some top tips for parents and carers too. To download the full set of resources and use them with your classes, sign up on National Numeracy’s website:

Parental engagement plays a large and positive role in children’s learning, and many schools have successfully used these resources to engage parents and carers in supporting their children’s maths learning. In a recent project, 100% of teachers said they would recommend the Family Maths activities to another school.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.


SEND Service to Schools & other Services Part 3


@The Stadium 9am
Thursday 30th November 2023

Audience : Headteachers, Governors, SENDCO and SLT members with various responsibilities

After the success of the previous SEND services to schools we are now running a third event.

On the day various services with be showcased and how schools/setting can refer to them and the expectations that the service will provide our young people.

These will include:

Early Help Family Hubs Programme
Parenting and Healthy Relationships Program
Locality Teams- What you can access and when
Youth Justice Service – What support they can give
Children’s Society
Halton Carers
Halton Play Council
Halton Blindness offer
Halton Deafness Offer
Vision Support
Makro Create
Vibe UK
NHS Transition support Ks2 to KS3

To book:




D & AHT Autumn & Spring Dates 2023-2024 for your Diary


D & AHT Network Meetings:

Thursday 28 September 2023 (3:30 – 5pm)

Thursday 18 January 2024 (3:30 – 5pm)

@Halton Stadium


D & AHT Training:

Thursday 23 November 2023 (1:00 – 4pm)

@Halton Stadium


D & AHT Conference

Friday 15 March 2024 (Full Day)

@Halton Stadium


Aspiring to Headship

Thursday 5 October 2023 (3:30 – 5pm)

Thursday 30 November 2023 (3:30 – 5pm)

Thursday 8 February 2024 (3:30 – 5pm)

Thursday 29 February 2024 (3:30 – 5pm)

@Halton Stadium



Funding Bulletin


See attached September Funding bulletin.




The BIG Conversation – Listening to Children & Young People


The Big Conversation is about all of us being a part of shaping what the future of Halton looks like.

It’s about us starting to talk about how together we can make Halton an even better place for people to live, work, visit and grow.

We would really like to know what children and young people think of the place where they live.

Please help children and young people to complete a shorter version of the survey

Please see attached poster




Early Years training brochure 2023-2024


Please see attached Early years brochure.




Safeguarding information


Please see below attachments Safeguarding information.