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Change of date – Primary Headteachers Meeting is now 21st February 2024 9am at Widnes Stadium

  • Assessment and Moderation Yr2 & Yr6
  • Phonics Screening Training
  • School Improvement Support for SEND
  • Strategic Directors Report to Governors
  • Train to be a Mental Health First Aider
  • Local Offer Education menu page
  • National vote for young people in Halton
  • Cinderella, La Boutique Fantasque plus showcase


Assessment and Moderation Yr2 & Yr6


This training is designed to support teaching staffs judgements in Year 2 & 6. This is a CPD set of sessions.

We will be looking at areas of weakness seen during last years moderation cycle and also looking at Greater Depth opportunities.

@The Stadium

  • Monday 11th March 2024
  • Wednesday 24th April 2024

Please book




Phonics Screening Training


Monday 22nd April 2024



Audience: New to delivery of the Phonics Screening Check

This briefing has been planned to support delegates to:

-become familiar with the Phonics Administration Guidance

-understand how to accurately complete the phonics screening check

-know the key dates and deadlines for completion

-understand the LA’s role in monitoring the check

-share experiences with new and recently appointed teachers

To book:




School Improvement Support for SEND


Peer to Peer SEND Review

What is a Peer-to-Peer Review?

A Peer-to-Peer review should evaluate the effectiveness of a school’s provision for pupils with

special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This includes mainstream schools, alternative

provisions and specialist settings. The review should help to ensure that all children, in all

educational settings, achieve their very best, including the knowledge, skills and qualifications

that they need for successful transition, further education and employment. Many schools will

establish an ongoing relationship with their reviewer who can provide follow-up support and


SEND Learning Walks (with or with SEND Governor)

Aim: Develop the skills of SENDCO & Governors to carry out Learning Walks, Book Looks and

Pupil Conferencing. Developing the SEND Governor support and challenge partnership with


SEND outcomes meeting

Aim: SEND health check model to help school with areas of SEND they might be unfamiliar

with. Signposting and guidance for new or updating SENDCOs





Strategic Directors Report to Governors


Please find attached Strategic Directors Report to Governors – Spring 2024.

Can all schools please share with all Governors, thank you.




Train to be a Mental Health First Aider
Safeguarding training for educators


Train to be a Mental Health First Aider through the Halton Family Hubs Program for FREE, please see attached for more information.

Please see attached Safeguarding training for educators February 2024.




Local Offer Education menu page


Please find the links below to the new Education menu page and school pages, introduced as part of our You Said, We Did, to improve access to school information based on young people’s feedback to include school logo’s and to support easier navigation to all the Education pages:






National vote for young people in Halton


National vote for young people in Halton, calling all Pupils aged 11+ Please see attached for more information.




Cinderella, la boutique fantasque plus showcase

presented by Kate Simmons Productions

Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th March 7.30pm £20, £18 Junior/Senior Citizen

The Brindley Theatre, High Street, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1BG

This ballet follows the traditional story of the Grimm’s fairy tale. Ruled by wicked stepsisters, the beautiful Cinderella is made to work and clean up after the spoilt pair. One evening a Fairy Godmother appears to Cinderella and grants her wish to attend the Prince’s Ball, proving that dreams really do come true. Boutique Fantasque tells the story of magical dolls in a toy shop who come to life and dance when the shop keeper is not there. This Double Bill of Ballet plus a Showcase of Jazz, Contemporary, Tap, Musical Theatre and Spanish dance is a must see for the whole family.

TICKETS: 0151 907 8360. Link: