Select Page
  • D & AHT Newsletter

  • Welcome to Your Vote week 2023

  • Early Years Training Programme

  • Governors Halton Conference

  • SEND Services to Schools Briefing

  • External Funding

  • Disadvantaged working Group Network Meeting

  • Kooth & Qwell webinars

  • School forum minutes





D & AHT Newsletter


Please attached October Deputy & Assistant Headteachers newsletter October 2022.





Welcome to Your Vote week 2023


We’re asking schools and youth groups across the UK to get involved with Welcome to Your Vote week 2023 by starting the conversation about democracy and politics with their young people.
See attached for more information.



Early Years Training Programme


Below is the link to The Early Years Training Brochure.





Governors Halton Conference


Halton Borough Council and Entrust Governor Services are delighted to present the annual conference for school governors in the Borough of Halton. The conference takes place on Friday 18th November at Halton Stadium.

see attached for more information

To book a place at our conference please email:



SEND Services to Schools Briefing

Tuesday 29th November 2022

@DCBL Stadium The Bridge Suite 9am-12pm

This meeting is aimed at giving both Headteachers and SENDCo’s and overview of various SEND teams that are available to schools to support SEND pupils. This has been requested by a number of schools during recent SEND Outcome meetings.

Each service will give an overview of what they do, support available and how referrals will be made. This is an opportunity to meet new members of the Halton team and network within this area.

Please register below.


For further information contact:




External Funding


Please find attached  the latest monthly Funding Bulletin produced by the External Funding Team at Halton Borough Council. If you would like support to bid to any of the funding streams listed in the Bulletin, we can support with this; please get in touch via



Disadvantaged working Group Network Meeting


Dear Colleagues

The forthcoming Disadvantaged Working Group meeting will be at the DCBL Stadium on Tuesday 22 November.

To register a place please use the link 

The draft agenda includes

0845 – 0915 Arrival, refreshments and networking

0915 – 0920 Welcome and introductions & updates

0920 – 1020 Early Years Literacy (High quality interactions (Schrec  Link, Supporting oral language development, Phonological awareness and phonemic awareness)

1020 – 1045 EEF EYFS Preparing for Literacy guidance and EEF GCSE updates

1045 – 1100 Break, followed by input from Edge Hill on projects to develop aspirations for disadvantaged young people

1100 – 1110 Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sports premium

1110 – 1145  Metacognition. Links to HLS

Reflection guidance Thinking together guidance.




Kooth & Qwell webinars


I wanted to make you aware of our upcoming Kooth & Qwell webinars for professionals working in Cheshire & Merseyside. and are free, safe and anonymous sites that offer mental health and wellbeing support to young people and adults across Cheshire & Merseyside. We are staffed by our fully trained and qualified counselling team who are available until 10pm each night, 365 days per year.

The sites also feature self help tools including online journaling and mindfulness techniques. We have a community space on our magazine and discussion boards where any users can give and receive advice and support from others.

During our webinars, we will give an overview of the support available on Kooth (our young person’s service commissioned across Cheshire & Merseyside) and Qwell (our adult’s service commissioned in the Wirral, Knowsley & St Helens). There will also be clinical and safeguarding information shared and an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about our services.

Our next webinars will take place on the follow dates:

Discover Qwell: 25th November @ 1-2pm – Register now via Eventbrite: CLICK HERE

Discover Kooth – 1st December @ 10-11am – Register now via Eventbrite: CLICK HERE

Discover Qwell – 6th December @ 1-2pm – Register now via Eventbrite: CLICK HERE

We hope that you can attend the session and learn a little more about Kooth & Qwell. If you would like any help or support in the meantime (including access to free postal resources) please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I have also attached a number of promotional resources that can be shared online, including ‘What’s On November’, Movember & Anti-Bullying Week assets.



School forum minutes


Please see attached School forum Minutes