Select Page

  • Halton Conference for Deputy & Assistant Headteachers

  • Governors Briefing\Ofsted Briefing

  • Make Mine Manga is a free exhibition

  • Introduction to new Library Children’s Officer




Halton Conference for Deputy & Assistant Headteachers


Leading Learning and School Improvement

Friday 15th March 2024

DCBL Stadium, 09:00 am – 4:00 pm

Cost: £50.00 per delegate: includes drinks & lunch

Please use this booking link:


We are happy to publish details of the D&AHT Conference

The Aims of the Conference are:

  • to develop deputy & assistant headteachers so that they become more effective and insightful in their current roles
  • for senior leaders to learn more about leading;

ü  creating a culture for learning and accountability

ü  ensuring effective budget management & financial accountability

ü  effective whole school improvement strategies

ü  how coaching can support school improvement


Session 1:    Introduction by Professor Janet Lord, PFHEA, FCCT | Faculty Director of Education | Faculty of Health and Education | Manchester Metropolitan University

Session 2:   Creating a Culture for Learning and Accountability

  • What is a ‘learning culture’?
  • Why is a ‘learning culture’ important?
  • How can you tell if a learning culture is a positive one?
  • What can leaders do to promote a better learning culture?
  • What is a ‘culture of accountability’?
  • How do you create a ‘culture of accountability’?


Session 3:   Budget Management & Financial Accountability:

This session includes:

The educational business dimension, financial management from budget

allocation to the end of year processes, budget reporting, Pupil Premium

Funding, PE & Sports Grant, benchmarking & comparisons &  accountability.


Session 4 & 5: Workshop (1) Leading Whole School Improvement & Workshop (2)

                            Learning about Leading and Coaching (participants will attend both workshops)

Session 6: Review and Key Learning Points




Governors Briefing\Ofsted Briefing


Governors Briefing Tuesday 30th January 2024  6pm-7.30pm

@DCBL Stadium The Bridge Suite

Audience: Governors

The meeting will give governing boards updates of  latest legislation changes, statutory requirements for schools at this time in the school year,  national and local priorities and or initiatives. It will inform their strategic planning and in order to ask school leaders about key priorities to ensure they are fulfilling their core duties and responsibilities.

Guest Speakers will be:

Maria Needham – Safeguarding

To book:


Ofsted Briefing – Attendance

Wednesday 28th February 2024


@ DBCL Stadium

School Improvement Halton have invited Rachel Goodwin HMI to talk about Ofsted and Attendance.

During the briefing Rachel will look at all stakeholder responsibilities and how this forms judgements around attendance during inspections.

Rachel Goodwin, Senior HMI, maintained schools and academies

Rachel is a qualified English teacher and has extensive teaching and senior leadership experience in a range of schools. Rachel has expertise in teaching and learning, curriculum and leadership. Before working for Ofsted, Rachel gained significant school improvement and leadership experience across all phases as an independent school improvement consultant. More recently she was as a senior school improvement officer for a local authority. Rachel inspects a range of provisions, including primary, secondary, special and independent schools.

To book:

Further information please contact


Deputy & Assistant Headteacher Conference, planned for Friday 15th March 2024.

Please use this booking link:

Focus: Leading Learning and School Improvement

On Friday 15th March 2024 at DCBL Stadium, 09:00 am – 4:00 pm

Cost: £50.00 per delegate: (includes drinks & lunch)


Session 1: Introduction by Professor Janet Lord, PFHEA, FCCT | Faculty Director of Education | Faculty of Health and Education | Manchester Metropolitan University

Session 2: Creating a Culture for Learning and Accountability

  1. What is a ‘learning culture’?
  2. Why is a ‘learning culture’ important?
  3. How can you tell if a learning culture is a positive one?
  4. What can leaders do to promote a better learning culture?
  5. What is a ‘culture of accountability’?
  6. How do you create a ‘culture of accountability’?

Session 3: Budget Management & Financial Accountability:

This session includes: The educational business dimension, financial management from budget allocation to the end of year processes, budget reporting, Pupil Premium Funding, PE & Sports Grant, benchmarking & comparisons & accountability.

Session 4 & 5: Workshop (1) Leading Whole School Improvement & Workshop (2) Learning about Leading and Coaching (participants will attend both workshops)

Session 6: Review and Key Learning Points

Please do take advantage of this important training event and take part in this opportunity to network with other deputies and assistant headteachers.

Please use this booking link:  


Assessment and Moderation Yr2 & Yr6 CPD Training

@The Stadium


Headteacher Moderation and Assessment Briefing

@The Stadium


Save the Dates!

Key Stage 2/3 Vulnerable Pupil Transition Meeting -TATS

Wednesday 27th March 2024 Widnes Stadium collaborative event between Primary and Secondary to support transition of pupils at risk of suspension or exclusion

KS2 Moderation Dates

@The Stadium

  •  Wednesday 5th June 2024 – Schools will be selected for this by LA
  • Tuesday 11th June 2024 – Schools will be selected for this by LA
  • Wednesday 19th June 2024 – Schools will be selected for this by LA





Make Mine Manga is a free exhibition


For fans of manga. It is coming to Halton in January 2024.

Manga has become a pop-culture phenomenon in the UK. Six of the top ten bestselling graphic novelists in Britain are Japanese manga creators .

The exhibition looks at how comics first evolved in Japan and how their brilliant creators continue to develop new ideas. Then you

can discover today’s generation of award-winning Manga authors and illustrators and how they are interpreting the medium in their own way.

Halton Lea Library 15th January to 2nd February

Widnes Library 5th to 21st February

See attached 

For more information contact Trudy Jones, Library Development Officer




Introduction to new Library Children’s Officer


Please see attached for information.