Christmas Hampers

November 2020 Safeguarding update

Condition Data Collection Programme

Primary Statutory Assessment

Remote humanist school speakers, and teacher training

Schools Funding Bulletin – November 2020





Christmas Hampers



Nominations have now opened to nominate a family for this year’s Christmas hamper and toy appeal for Runcorn.

This year has been particularly challenging for everyone so we are delighted we are able to safely deliver this project once again.

If you are working with a family in need, who need that extra help over the Christmas period then nominate them now! Due to high demand please ensure that the family is really in need of this support and not receiving a hamper from a another organisation.

Please fill in the attached form and return the completed form to or and return by Friday 4 December. Due to high demand in 2019 and the more challenging circumstances we cannot extend this deadline.

Collection process will be different this year in order to be COVID compliant. Collection is on Monday 21 Dec. You will be advised H & S protocol and given a collection time. THIS MUST BE ADHERED TO.

You must be able to carry your hamper to the car.



Attached is the nomination form for Trinity/Kings Cross Christmas hampers for WIDNES FAMILIES ONLY.

This year is going to prove a greater challenge for the volunteer helpers at Trinity – they are therefore asking that you nominate families AS SOON AS POSSIBLE PLEASE!

Also – please note that Widnes hampers are provided by a different organisation to Runcorn, so there will be differences in the contents of the hampers on either side of the bridge.

Forms should be emailed by Wednesday 18th November please do not post paper copies.

Collection time from Trinity Church is – Wednesday 9 December 9.00am-4.30pm

We have an allocation of 80 hampers (plus Care Leavers) – so please get requests in as soon as possible!! We cannot guarantee to provide hampers beyond the allocated maximum number.

For Widnes families please contact Carolyn McAuley at who is working with Trinity Church to provide a similar service.





November 2020 Safeguarding update


Welcome back DSL’s!

I hope you are well and had a pleasant half term, despite the current restrictions.  A few important updates below relating to Safeguarding, which I hope you find beneficial.


Thank you to everyone who attended the recent Level 3 Advanced Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment Courses during October and for your positive feedback.

Moving forward, the Partnership are now in a position to resume delivery of future Level 3 DSL ‘Working Together’ training, as well as other training for multi agencies to access.   A copy of their latest bulletin is attached below, with an additional date for Level 3 Working Together training scheduled for 10 December.  I will let you know of any future dates released for their training.

On the afternoon of the 18 November, I will be hosting the first DSL workshop.  This has proved very popular and will be a chance to hear about a wide range of safeguarding updates in more detail and receive links to some resources which you can then use back in school.  I will also explain my plans going forward for DSLs in Halton, including cluster group supervision.  This does not replace Level 3 Advanced Safeguarding training which all DSLs are required to complete every two years through the partnership.  However, it counts as the relevant CPD which DSL’s are expected to access in between their ‘core training’.  These workshops will be delivered every half term, with future dates to be shared in my December update.

Courses will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and a space can be reserved by sending me an email.  Nearer the time, I will then send out a link to the meeting for you to access the group.


Following the successful recent delivery of Safer Recruitment, I am pleased to be able to offer some additional dates.

It is statutory that all Headteachers and at least one member of any recruitment panel for all vacancies within schools to have completed Safer Recruitment.   However, best practice is that at least two members of any panel have completed the training to ensure compliance with guidelines.  This training should be refreshed once every 5 years.

There are two options:

  • ½ Day Safer Recruitment Refresher Course – Tuesday 8 December 2020 (9:30 – 13:00)

For those who have already completed the full day Safer Recruitment training, there is a ½ day refresher course which you can attend.  In order to complete this shorter course, in line with the guidelines of the Safer Recruitment Consortium, you must first send me a copy of your original certificate to demonstrate you have passed the full course.  Without this, the full day course must be completed instead.

  • Full Day Safer Recruitment Course – Friday 15 January 2021 (9:00 – 16:30)

This course is aimed at anyone involved in recruitment within schools – Headteachers, Governors and School Business Managers.

It is expected that both of these course will be delivered via Microsoft Teams.  Please send me an email to reserve any spaces and I will again send out a link nearer to the time.

Operation Encompass

At the start of the academic year, you should have received an email from the Police confirming the details they hold for your school as to who they will contact if a child from your school lives in a household where a Domestic Abuse incident has occurred.  If you did not receive this, or wish to update the contact details for the designated person to receive Op Encompass alerts for your school, please email

Online Safety Resources

As it is the area I have had most enquiries about since joining Halton, I will be sharing a wide range of resources on this topic during the workshop on the 18.  However, in the meantime, here are some useful links.

‘So you got naked online’ – A new version of this excellent resource has been created to use with children and young people with SEND.

Internet Matters have also created some great guides on Inclusive Digital Safety, including those with SEND and resources to support LGBTQ+ children and young people keep safe online.

Got a school Facebook page?  Use WhatsApp to communicate with staff members?  This useful document provides you with everything you need to consider.

New FREE Digital Literacy / Online Safety Curriculum for Reception to Year 11 – Project Evolve.


Just a quick reminder to ensure you have returned the confidentiality forms sent out last month, to the Eclipse Helpdesk to ensure you have access to the new Social Care system for MAPs and to receive updates regarding training relating to the new system.

Education Strategy Group for the Safeguarding Partnership

Sharon Williams (Virtual Headteacher) and I are excited to be establishing the Education Strategy Group which will be the voice of all schools in informing the management of the safeguarding partnership.  We are therefore looking for nominations of Headteachers or DSLs who would be willing to be a representative on the group.  In order to have the maximum impact, it would be great to have a good mix from Nursery / Primary / Secondary providers, as well as from the MAT’s within Halton.

If you would be interested in being a member of the Strategy Group, please send me an email and we will schedule our first meeting in the coming weeks.

Young Victim Support – Domestic Abuse

Some information below from Rebecca Carroll from Remedi, which is FREE to access (referral form attached to this email):

I have recently taken on the role as a young person’s restorative domestic abuse practitioner to remotely provide restorative interventions and advice for young people with focus on reducing risk and aiding emotional recovery from the harmful impacts of domestic abuse. This programme will include emotional and practical support and the delivery of restorative interventions over the phone and via video call.

The programme CEASE which is unique to Cheshire, can be delivered 1-2-1 either over the phone or via video call. The offer is across Cheshire to young people aged 11-25 years. If group delivery is possible on site, we can also deliver in person to small groups of young people. The aim of the programme is to help young people recognise the subtle indications of an abusive relationship, and for them to have an understanding of the options available to them should they encounter or witness such behaviour.

The sessions will highlight a number of behaviours and scenarios that constitute abuse within a teenage relationship. The programme is specifically centred around young people and the issues they may face. The sessions encourage active dialogue with their trained practitioner and will use a number of different methods to provoke discussion. These include advert clips, handouts, statistics, music videos, newspaper articles and brain storming.

The desired outcome of the programme is for young people to have an understanding of these key points:

  • What you could do if you suspect or personally experience Domestic Abuse.
  • Who you could talk to if you suspect or personally experience Domestic Abuse.
  • Why a person cannot “just leave” an abusive relationship.
  • Domestic Abuse is a behavioural choice on the perpetrators part.

Should anyone require more information or if you know any young person/s who may benefit from our service they can contact myself or email any referrals to





Condition Data Collection Programme


Notice has been received that the Department for Education (DfE) are to commence a 2nd Condition Data Collection Programme 2 (CDC). This is the successor programme to the Condition Data Collection Programme which ran from 2017 until 2019.

The CDC2 programme will run from 2021 to 2026 and will be delivered in phases (tranches), with each phase expected to take around six months to complete.

Please see the attached letter from the DfE for full details. Further information can also be found online at




Primary Statutory Assessment


Please see attached the Primary Statutory Assessment and Moderation 2021



Remote humanist school speakers, and teacher training


It’s not too late to book a free, remote visit from a humanist school speaker for next week’s Interfaith Week from 8–15 November!

Humanism is a non-religious worldview held by millions of people in the UK. Humanists trust in reason, evidence, and science to understand the world around them, and make their ethical decisions based on empathy and compassion for others.

Visits can be held on your school’s online meeting platform – such as Zoom, Google Meets, Microsoft Teams, etc. The remote visit could include:

  • Classroom talk with Q&A
  • Interfaith panel discussion
  • Pre-recorded video answering students’ questions

You can book a free remote visit here

Are you confident enough in your understanding of humanism to teach it in the classroom?

We offer teacher training at both primary and secondary level to deepen your subject knowledge of humanism, and support you with practical ideas for the classroom.

Our online training can be for schools, universities, and organisations as part of initial teacher training (ITT) or for continued professional development (CPD). 

In our training courses you will learn more about non-religious worldviews and the landscape of religion and belief in the UK. We’ll break down the humanist approach to life into five core areas of knowledge to support your teaching and provide you with practical ideas for the classroom.

If you would like to organise a bespoke training event, or if you have any questions, please email us at




Schools Funding Bulletin – November 2020


If you have a project or an idea that you require advice and funding assistance with, please fill out an Enquiry Form

Schools Bulletin – November 2020

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