Select Page
  • Halton Special Education Needs and/or Disability (SEND) Services Surveys

  • Summer Water Safety

  • Climate Champions Creative Writing Project

  • HeadzUp  Halton young people’s drop in   

  • Primary Headteachers Briefing

  • Ofsted Briefing – EYFS

  • Governing Body – Information Request

  • Available spaces for Peer to Peer SEND Reviews Academic Year24/25

  • Halton Libraries

  • Halton Short Breaks Service



Halton Special Education Needs and/or Disability (SEND) Services Surveys



Dear Colleagues,

Halton Borough Council, Halton SEND Parent Carer Forum and NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board are seeking the views of children, young people and their families on their experience of Halton SEND services across Education, Health and Social Care.  This is an ideal opportunity for children, young people and their families to provide feedback on the services they have received.   This information will ensure that all partners working together across the local area can utilise this feedback for the improvements being introduced and developed for SEND services in Halton.

There are two surveys to complete one for children and young people and another for parents and carers.  Both surveys should take no longer than ten minutes to complete.

The closing date for the surveys is Sunday 30 June 2024.

Please promote these surveys through your organisation and networks, and as widely as possible with the children, young people and families that you work with who access SEND services in Halton.

The views of children, young people and their families who access SEND services are very important to us, so please promote the surveys and encourage children, young people and their families to take the time to complete the survey and share their views.

The links to both surveys with the QR Codes are available on the Halton Local Offer Useful Information & Documents | Local Offer (

Parent/Carer Survey:

Child/Young Person Survey:


Parent Carer QR Code –  Survey Halton SEND.png

CYP QR Code –  Survey Halton SEND CYP.png

Thank You,


Summer Water Safety


Following a very sad, tragic and preventable incident last weekend when children had got into difficulty in open water: Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service issued this message to remind the public that:

“The water may look calm on the surface, but there can be strong undercurrents that could pull even a strong swimmer under the water.

“And even when the weather feels very hot, the water may feel warm on the surface, but just a few feet below the surface it can be icy cold – affecting the stamina and strength of even strong swimmers.

“If you are with someone who gets into difficulty, call emergency services for help. If you can, use an object to try and reach for them, but don’t put yourself in danger by entering the water.”

Please see attached information.


Climate Champions Creative Writing Project


Halton Libraries are working together with Read Now Write Now who are running the Climate Champions 2024 creative writing project across the Liverpool City Region.

Read Now Write Now will deliver a series of FREE writing courses in libraries and online to help

young people aged 9-13 write powerful and inspiring stories about climate change which can be included into a published book (using recycled paper), displayed in local libraries and online as well as read out at special storytelling events.

One of these free courses is taking place at Halton Lea Library on Saturdays 15th, 22nd and 29th June 10.30am to 12.30pm plus there are two free online courses to join as well:

Mondays 5pm to 6.30pm from 10th June for 4 weeks and

Tuesdays 5pm to 6.30pm from 11th June for 4 weeks.

To book onto one of the courses or for more information please contact

Please note there are limited places available on each course.

HeadzUp  Halton young people’s drop in   


Please see attached for more information.



Primary Headteachers Briefing

Thursday 13th June

@DCBL Stadium
This event is free to all primary schools 
*Welcome B Holmes
*LADO A Chisnall
*Working together to improve school attendance D Houghton
*EYFS update on cluster  S Campbell
*Wrap around care H Fryman
*Headteachers Showcase Slot

Also at the meeting there will be stands from:

Halton Health Improvement Team
Family Hubs
Halton Young Careers

To book:


Ofsted Briefing – EYFS

15th July 2024 

@ DBCL Stadium

School Improvement Halton have invited Tim Vaughan HMI to talk about Ofsted and EYFS

During the briefing Tim will look at all stakeholder responsibilities and how this forms judgements around EYFS during inspections.

Tim Vaughan, HMI, maintained schools and academies
Tim holds qualified teacher status and previously worked in leadership roles in maintained nursery schools, primary schools and children’s centres. He held a senior role for a local authority and worked as an adviser for the Department for Education. He has extensive experience of inspection, investigation and survey work across nursery, infant and primary schools, children’s centres, teacher training and early years. Tim contributes to the training of inspectors. Tim holds a BEd (Hons) and a Master’s in Early Childhood Education with Care. He is qualified at level 7 in investigative practice. Tim qualified as a headteacher and is trained in leadership development. He has advised nationally on this topic and has taught about leadership at postgraduate level.

Further information please contact

To Book:


Governing Body – Information Request


Each year the LA asks for an update on Governing bodies. This will help plan CDP and look for new governors were appropriate in the coming year. Please could you take the time to fill in the attached form by following the link below:


Available spaces for Peer to Peer SEND Reviews Academic Year24/25


Over the last two years many settings have taken up this opportunity to have a supportive review and have found in of great benefit. It has given settings a chance also to make links with other schools and SENDCO who have gone on to continue to support each other going forward.

What is it?

The day consists of myself and two others visiting your setting for the morning. during this time, we follow a timetable set by yourselves that will encompass many aspects of your SEND practice. This will involve seeing lessons, interventions, unstructured times. etc… During this time, we will speak to staff, pupils and parents to celebrate the work you are doing. Your SENDCO will have time to work with other SENDCO’s to share each other’s practice to both learn and reassure from each other.

If you would like to take part, please get in touch, dates are flexible across the three terms. Other SEND offers include:

SEND Outcome Meetings

This training is designed to ensure schools are meeting the needs of their SEND pupils in line with the statutory guidance set by the DfE. Advisors will signpost and update you on services available that you might not be currently using. They will also be able to help with current issues around SEND at your school .

SEND Governor Learning Walks

School Improvement Halton will work with SENCO, Inclusion Teams and governors to develop your SEND offer.

If you would like to know more please get in touch.


Halton Libraries

Halton Libraries is getting ready for the launch of the Summer Reading Challenge 2024; Marvellous Makers. If you’d like to bring your class to the library for a special Summer Reading Challenge class visit, click the link and book in: Library Class Visits Form | HBC forms (

We can’t wait to see you.

Emma Boone, Children and Families Development Officer, Halton Libraries


Halton Short Breaks Service


Good Afternoon

Halton Short Breaks Service are currently holding a consultation to gather feedback and ideas to help shape the service in the future.  The current short break contracts with providers are due to come to an end in March 2025.

Three public consultation events are taking place on Monday 24 June 2024. Places are limited so you will need to book a place by emailing:

You will need to state the time that you wish to attend within your email.

See attached short breaks survey paper version

Halton SEND provider showcase Monday 17 June see attached for more information.

Halton short breaks consultation event 24 June 2024 see attached for more information.

Halton short breaks have your say, see attached for more information.

In addition to the face to face consultation event we also have an online  survey which is also open until the 30th June 2024.  Please click on the link to access the online survey:  Short Breaks – ParentCarer (

If you would like to receive a paper copy of the survey then please send a request to

In addition to the consultation event a SEND Provider Network Showcase event will take place on Monday 17th June, 9.30 – 5.30, Grangeway Community Centre, Runcorn.   This is an opportunity for you to meet a variety of services who provide fun activities and various support for our children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Some of the services who will be attending are Vibe, Everton in the Community, Positive Futures, Sportworks, Dawnstar Gaming CIC – Dungeon and Dragons, Animal Teach, Halton Carers Centre,  Halton Play Council, Addvanced Solutions, Supported Internships,  The Autism Wellbeing Project,  Independent Travel Training Team, Transport Coordination and the Transition Team.

Please pop along and find out information about the support available and the wonderful activities that will be on offer over the Summer.

If you are a professional and would like to showcase your service then please do not hesitate to contact to book a table.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events and  receiving your feedback.

Short Breaks Service for Children with Disabilities

Team Around the Family Division

People Directorate

Halton Borough Council