Select Page
  • URGENT  National Anti Fraud Network updated 

  • Halton Resolve

  • Halton Send Parent Carers Forum ( HSPCF ) Drop in sessions

  • FREE! Holiday Activities and Food Provision​​​

  •  50 Quirky Things’ you can only do in Halton

  • Religious Education (SACRE) Annual Report

  • Thrive Rollout to Halton Schools Update


URGENT  National Anti Fraud Network updated

The vast majority of Local Authorities pay an annual subscription to become members of NAFN. They also assist bodies such as the Department for Work and Pensions, NHS, Housing Associations amongst many other public sector bodies.

As a Local Authority Investigator, NAFN are the ‘go-to’ organisation for intelligence gathering. One of their many roles is to provide Intelligence Reports. As and when I receive them I forward them to the relevant part of HBC.

Please download this alert and follow the handling instructions.

To view all intelligence alerts, please log in to your NAFN account and visit the Help Section (5. Alerts and Intelligence).

Alerts provide information about fraud, risks and trends which may affect members; your contributions are vital – please email them to Where appropriate please include handling restrictions.

Download Intelligence Alert (Pdf version)

Download Intelligence Alert (Word version)

Halton Resolve

Halton Resolve is an emotional health and wellbeing service that supports children, young people, and families. Please see attached for more information.


Halton Send Parent Carers Forum ( HSPCF ) Drop in sessions

At Halton Send Parent Carers Forum we work in collaboration with Halton Borough Council and Cheshire and Merseyside ICB. We have produced the Co-Production Charter which was launched on Saturday 19th November 2022. We have attached a copy for your school to have on file and to issue to any Parents that you feel may benefit from it.

As part of our commitment to the SEND Young People of the borough we are committed to give them a voice and EMPOWER their Parents and Carers to advocate on their behalf, if needed.

We are a Non-Profit organisation run by and for families of children and young people (aged 0-25) who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). We work independently but in partnership with service commissioners and providers, sharing knowledge and experience of families to help plan and develop the quality, range and accessibility of provision, creating better outcomes for families through participation and co-production. Most of you will be aware of the work we do in the community as well.

We started a Parent Drop in session in September last year and it has been very well received by schools, parents and SENDCOs. We are here to support all areas of SEND and we feel that these sessions are helpful for schools just as much as parents.

Due to the success already sought we have put some extra dates on for these sessions for our Parent Drop-In sessions. These will be on a first come first serve basis. Please email, to book any of these dates:

  • 26 September
  • 10 October
  • 14 November
  • 5 December

We advertise the event, we bring everything to the event. We send you the flyer all completed by email. All we ask that you distribute the flyer via your social media 2 weeks prior to the event date and maybe put in the children’s book bags the week before.

We will come along to your school and have an informal meet up with parents of children with SEN or suspected SEN, very much a relaxed informal coffee morning, staff are always welcome to be involved and take part in the event, we really are trying to promote culture of working collaboratively for the benefit of the children. I have attached a blank flyer for you to see how we advertise the session, once a session is booked in. If you are interested then don’t delay, please email us to book a slot from the dates above.

Our web page is, please go and look at the work we do and support we can provide free.


FREE! Holiday Activities and Food Provision​​​

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the link below for information on a wide range of !FREE activities, which include a FREE! lunch available to Halton school aged children from Reception to Year 11 and up to 18 for SEND young people. The activities are targeted at children and young people who receive benefits-related to free school meals, however there are also places available to other vulnerable groups of children and young people, such as SEND, Young Carers, Looked After Children, and Children in Need.

Can you please promote the free! activities and food, to the appropriate children, young people, and their families/carers.​

Please see link for more information.


 50 Quirky Things’ you can only do in Halton

Summer holidays are upon us and we wanted to remind you and your students about the list of  ‘50 Quirky Things’ you can only do in Halton!

See attached. 


Religious Education (SACRE) Annual Report

Halton Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) Annual Report September 2022 – August 2023.

Please see attached.


Thrive Rollout to Halton Schools Update from Jennie Hogan  (Customer Success Manager at Thrive)

I am delighted that we now have the first wave of training underway for Halton schools.

Following on from this I have now sent out the information to all settings with second wave training dates for the Autumn term and live links and instructions to get your staff signed up for the whole school induction trainings in September. Please check your emails! Thank you to the schools who have already signed up for all their training including induction training for all their staff.

What do you need to do now?

For Induction training (if you have not already booked) staff can register directly on the chosen course using the link supplied in the email.

Please make sure your staff select the correct training for their phase eg: Childhood for early years and primary colleagues / Adolescence for Secondary age and Post 16 providers.

To confirm any remaining place(s) on Leading Emotionally Health Settings or Practitioner courses – please check your emails for the relevant information and then provide the name, email address and role of the person you are sending on the relevant course along with the chosen course code / dates by return of email.

Ideally I would like to have everyone booked on their courses before the end of term ready for September.

As always if you have any queries please contact me at and I will do my best to help.

I hope you have a good Summer break when you get to it and look forward to supporting you further in September.
