Select Page
  • Eurovision Education Programme

  • Maths hub courses and opportunities

  • Halton Council Training SEND

  • D & AHT Newsletter for February 2023



Eurovision Song Contest opportunity


Public Art Opportunity – Liverpool City Region Project: 7 large-scale eggs will be co-commissioned with Liverpool ONE. There will be 1 egg per Local Authority and 1 for the Ukrainian community. 7 artist commissions working with schools and/or community groups. Schools to be decided by Local Authority School Improvement/Education Department. Artists will be commissioned to develop designs for each egg with the schools asap. The eggs will be distributed to schools wc 27.2.23 for painting/decorating and returned to Liverpool ONE wc 20.3.23 ready for install 31.3.23. Outdoor exhibition of the 7 eggs would be in Liverpool ONE over the Easter holidays and in the run up to Eurovision. Lead: Culture Liverpool

Please contact asap if your school is interested.

There is only one egg per LA. There can be 2/3 schools working together.




Maths hub courses and opportunities


Here is the  latest projects from the maths hub that are available for joining for September 2023.




Halton Council Training SEND


Halton Borough Council have been provided with funding in an effort to develop the SEN offer by providers, including schools. Please see attached further information on the training. Please share this with your staff teams , complete attached application if you are interested in taking part in either face to face or the online training days.

On completion of 2 training sessions you will be entitled to a free online course of your choice to help you to expand your knowledge in SEND.




EYFS Spring Workshop – Focus Transition

@ DBCL Stadium

Three possible sessions:

Wednesday 8th March 0930-1130

Wednesday 8th March 1pm-3pm

Wednesday 8th March 3.30pm-5.30pm

The main focus of the event will be around transition.

  • What the data is telling us?
  • Discussion around Transition
  • Moving forward

If you have any questions please contact:  or

Please book below:

Governors Briefing Tuesday 2nd May 6pm-7pm

@DCBL Stadium The Bridge Suite

Audience: Governors

The meeting will give governing boards updates of latest legislation changes, statutory requirements for schools at this time in the school year, national and local priorities and or initiatives. It will inform their strategic planning and in order to ask school leaders about key priorities to ensure they are fulfilling their core duties and responsibilities.

Guest Speakers will be:
Maria Needham Safeguarding Children in Education Officer
Maria will update governors of the latest safeguarding information and take any questions that may occur. 

Please book below:

Phonics Screening Training 

@DBCL Stadium

25th April 2023

Audience: New to delivery of the Phonics Screening Check

This briefing has been planned to support delegates to:
-become familiar with the Phonics Administration Guidance
-understand how to accurately complete the phonics screening check
-know the key dates and deadlines for completion
-understand the LA’s role in monitoring the check
-share experiences with new and recently appointed teachers

Please book below:


Wednesday 26th April 2023

@DCBL Stadium The Bridge Suite 9am-12pm

This meeting is aimed at giving both Headteachers, SENDCo’s and Governors an overview of various NHS teams that are available to schools to support SEND pupils. This has been requested by a number of schools after the first SEND services to schools in November 2022 and also after SEND Outcome meetings.

Each service will give an overview of what they do, support available and how referrals will be made. This is an opportunity to meet new members of the NHS teams and network within this area.

Please register below.

For further information contact:

Halton End of Key Stage Teacher Moderation Training

Yr2 & Yr6 Teacher Moderation Training

The Bridge Suite DBCL Stadium

These courses will provide an early opportunity for Year 2 & Yr6 teachers to review writing evidence against the KS1 and KS2 teacher assessment framework standards to inform next steps in the teaching, learning and assessment process.

Important Information:

Each delegate should bring routine evidence of pupil performance derived from normal classroom practice for three, sample pupils who represent the teacher assessment framework standards of WTS, EXS and GDS as appropriate.

During the course, participants will gain:

Peer moderation and review of writing across all standards awarded within the national teacher assessment framework

An understanding of what constitutes independent and effective evidence to ensure consistent and reliable teacher assessment judgements

An opportunity to reflect on necessary next steps and opportunities needed to ensure a robust end of key stage teacher assessment process.

To book follow the link:

For further information please contact:

Halton update on statutory assessment and moderation 2022/23

Tuesday 28th March 2023

@ The Bridge DCBL Stadium 9am

A comprehensive update on statutory assessment and moderation 2022/23, and clarification of the Halton model.
This session will ensure that senior leaders with responsibility for assessment understand their statutory responsibilities and clarify national and local changes to assessment and moderation processes. There will be review of all Standards & Testing Agency (STA) materials and a reminder of assessment deadlines. There will also be a chance to reflect on wider aspects of school assessment, latest research and evidence, and share good practice.

Headteachers or senior leaders with a responsibility for assessment

To book:

For further information please contact

Governor Training – Pupil Premium, Disadvantaged & SEND

Tuesday 25th April 2023

@DBCL Stadium

Two possible session



This session is designed to help governing bodies with the following:

Are governors fully aware of how pupil premium funding planned for?

What activity do governors undertake to ensure that the funding is well used, effectively monitored by themselves and others and demonstrates evidence of positive impact for disadvantaged children and young people?

How do governors effectively support and challenges leaders to ensure all areas of the curriculum fully meet the needs of children and young people who are disadvantaged and or with SEND?

The session will also include a look at the current data in Halton and the national picture around the above

To book:

Supporting Schools & Governing Bodies with Exclusions

Wednesday 19th April 2023 (This is a change of date)

@ The Bridge Suite

Two possible times



Audience Headteacher & All Governors

This workshop is designed to support schools around exclusions. It will look at the support in place for children before exclusion and the mechanism of exclusion. The course will consist of two parts:

Dr Rhona Hobson Principal Educational Psychologist will explore the support and school culture around exclusions.

Debbie Houghton Principal Education Welfare Officer will look at the mechanism of exclusions.

To book:



D & AHT Newsletter for February 2023


Please find attached the February D & AHT Newsletter with information about:


  • Halton & Meols Cop Research in School’s (free) Improving KS2-3 Maths course (Twilight Launch on Wednesday 1  March 2023 @ 3:30 -5pm)
  • Halton’s D & AHT Conference full programme and booking link for Friday 24th  March 2023 (a bargain at £50.00 per person which includes lunch and a session run by 2 Ofsted HMIs
  • Maths Hub Cheshire & Wirral links to courses and opportunities
  • Spring and summer term meeting dates for D & AHTs
  • Spring term Disadvantaged Working Group booking link (Wednesday 15th  March 2023 @ 09:00 – 12:00)


Booking links are available in the newsletter to make those bookings and reserve places.